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Ashlyne's pov:

Ash smiled to herself as she walked down the hallway, away from Clint. These people were so stupid. Ash adjusted her dress slightly, there was a dagger attached to the side of her thigh with the sole purpose of being pressed into Tyler's heart. Ash opened the doors to the ceremony and watched as everyone stood up. She noticed the Avengers all sitting in one row, Jackson was sitting with Lucas and Ryder in the back row, and Henry was the priest. Ash stopped herself from laughing at the fact that they had chosen Henry to be the priest. Ash let her gaze fall on the man sitting a few rows behind the Avengers, he had on a long coat and what looked to be a briefcase was sitting on his lap. Ash also noticed that the few people sitting near him were all wearing formal suits. Ash could make out what looked like a gun in some of their belts. 

Ash put her hands behind her back and made her way down the aisle slowly. Ash almost rolled her eyes when she saw Tyler looking at her with admiration. She knew that look wasn't real, he was just trying not to show his true colors in front of the Avengers. Ash walked further down the aisle, her excitement was building up. She made it to the end of the aisle and stood across from Tyler. She looked at Henry and he gave her a slight nod before opening his book. Tyler took hold of Ash's hand forcing her to look him dead in the eye. Ash was supposed to wait for the cue before killing him but at the moment she wanted nothing more than to stick the dagger into his heart.

"We gather here today to celebrate the union between-"

Ash couldn't wait any longer, it all happened so fast. Ash grabbed the dagger from her thigh and stuck it right into Tyler's chest. She felt blood on her face but she didn't care. She watched as Tyler looked down at the dagger now embedded in his chest and then up at her. He was looking at her with a mix of shock and hatred. Ash kicked him and he fell back. Ash looked out into the crowd, and all hell broke loose.

Avengers pov:

The Avengers watched as Sarah walked down the aisle with her hands behind her back. They watched as she stood across from Tyler and he took her hands in his. It was a beautiful ceremony and everything was going perfectly.

"We gather here today to celebrate the union between-"

Suddenly many things happened at once. The Avengers watched in horror as Sarah took a dagger from somewhere on her body and stuck it straight into Tyler's chest. Blood splattered across her face and dress. At the same time, the few guys who were sitting in the back row suddenly lunged forward and started fighting some of the other men who were sitting a few rows behind the Avengers. The door burst open and Clint rushed through the doors just as a knife was thrown from somewhere in the room and lodged itself a few inches away from Clint's left ear. 

That was enough for the Avengers to jump into action. Steve, Bucky, and Sam all threw themselves into the fight happening between the men in suits and the other random guys. The men in suits had pulled out guns and started shooting at the guys, the guys however dodged the bullets and were currently attacking the people in suits with knives, guns, and just plain hand-to-hand combat. It was very impressive the way they just dodged all the bullets. Nat, Clint, Pietro, and Wanda all approached Sarah, except it wasn't Sarah anymore. Standing there, where Sarah was standing minutes before was... Ashlyn???

"Ashlyn," said Nat as she took out the gun that was placed in her shoe somehow.

Ashlyn's pov:

"Ashlyn," Said Nat as she took out the gun from somewhere in her shoe.

"Surprised?" Said Ash with a smirk

Nat started shooting the bullets which caused Ash to jump aside and narrowly avoid them. Ash was reminded of the nerf gun fight she had with Liam that morning. Ash was knocked out of her thoughts and her legs were swept from underneath her as Pietro ran past. Ash somersaulted out of the fall and managed to kick a chair toward Sam who tripped over it and fell to the floor. Wanda was throwing different items at Ash, who was now using a small table as a shield. Wanda threw a particularly sharp piece of metal toward Ash which caused the chair to split in half. Ash glazed over and saw Pietro beginning to run toward her. Ash spun aside and landed a kick to Pietro's stomach, causing him to go flying back and crash into Clint. Wanda ran over to where they were laying to make sure they were both okay however Nat kept firing bullets at Ash.

Emerald Assassin X Avengers (an Avengers Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant