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Avenger's pov:

Steve was now sitting in the living room on the couch telling the rest of the Avengers exactly what Ashlyn had told him.

"So Tyler's been Hydra this whole time?" Asked Bucky

"Well, that's what Ashlyn says" answered Steve.

"Do we really want to believe what she's saying?" Asked Nat. Nat was a little pissed off at the fact that Ashlyn had beat her.

"Jarvis run through everything we have on Tyler and his family, see if anything comes up"

"Right away sir"

It was another few moments of the Avengers watching the TV which showed the view of the room Ashlyn was in before the AI spoke again.

"All files were deleted of him when he started working here sir. There is nothing in any of the files that say anything about his father, but I ran facial recognition on the face of Marcos and he is known to be associated with Hydra"

Nobody spoke as everyone took in the newfound information.

"Well, I'll be damned" Everyone looked at Tony "the girl was right."

Nat's pov:

"Well, I'll be damned" Everyone looked at Tony "the girl was right."

Nat was thinking, hard. She had talked to Tyler, on many occasions. How hadn't she seen this coming? How had Ashlyn known about this?

"I want to talk to her," Said Nat standing up, and she didn't miss the way Steve and Bucky slightly glanced at each other.

"Nat maybe we should-" Tony started but Nat was already out the door.

Nat walked down the hallway and stopped outside the room. She looked through the window and saw Ashlyn laying there on the hospital bed peacefully. Her eyes were closed and her breathing steady but Nat knew that the girl wasn't really sleeping. Nat pushed the door open and observed the way Ashlyn's eyes opened slowly and stared at her.

"Oh, it's you," The girl said with a sarcastic smile. Nat ignored her comment,

"Sorry, did I wake you?" she asked casually.

"Nah, you're good." Ashlyn was looking down at the wires protruding from different places on her arm. Nat walked up to the bed she was laying on and ripped the IV and heart rate monitor out of the girl's arm. Ashlyn didn't even flinch as this happened.

"Better?" Asked Nat talking a few steps back.

"Thanks," Ashlyn said as she closed her eyes again and relaxed.

Ashlyn's pov:

Ash wasn't sure what was happening. Was this some kind of trick? Good cop bad cop kinda thing? Ash closed her eyes again and relaxed. She really wanted to go home and sleep for a few years, but her hands were still chained to the bed. After a few moments, Ash didn't hear Nat leave so she opened her eyes again to find that Nat had been watching her the whole time.

"Do you need something or-" Ash started, but she was rudely interrupted.

"Was it another mission?" Asked Nat. Ash didn't respond, she didn't know how to without giving away more than she was supposed to. "Killing Tyler? Was it another mission?"

"Yes, and no" Ash said, she didn't look directly in Nat's eyes when she said this but more to the mirror on the far wall. She could sense somebody standing behind there, watching her, and she had the feeling she knew who it was.

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