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Avenger's pov:

"Ashlyn wait-" Steve was cut off by a loud static sound.

"Did she just?-" Asked Tony

"Yeah, I think she did," said Bucky.

"What do you think he meant when he said that Ashlyn would do something for him?" Asked Steve

"Whatever it is, we better hope she doesn't do it," Said, Nat

"She wouldn't, she's better than that" Steve said confidently. The Avengers all looked at him.

"Steve, this is Ashlyn, not Katherine. Katherine was a good person who spent her life helping people, Ashlyn spends her life killing people for money" Said Tony.

"I think she's nice" Peter piped up and Tony scoffed

"Nice?! I think you guys are forgetting who we're talking about"

"Who she became wasn't her fault, it was the orphanage that did that to her" Said Nat "But she definitely isn't a role model citizen Steve" She added.

"I never said she was. I just think that she deserved better than this, Katherine would have wanted her to have better than some creepy dude that works with Hydra trying to use her and then kill her" Steve sighed and walked out of the room. Everyone just stared at his retreating figure.

"I got this" Said Bucky as he followed his best friend out of the room.

Steve's pov:

Steve walked into his room and sat on the bed. He put his head in his hands and took some deep breaths, there was suddenly a knock on the door.

"Come in" Steve called out

The door opened, revealing Bucky. Bucky seemed to notice the depressing atmosphere because he slid Steve's desk chair over in front of Steve and sat down.

"What's wrong?" Asked Bucky and Steve sighed

"Nothing, I'm just thinking"

"Thinking about what?"

Steve hesitated before beginning to explain all his worries.

"I was there the day she was born Buck. I was there when she cried for the first time when she opened her eyes for the first time... when she looked at her mother for the first time. I just hate how this is how her life turned out." Steve confessed

"There was no way you could've known what they were doing to her" Bucky put a hand on Steve's shoulder.

"The day Katie told me she wanted Ashlyn back, I thought that I would be able to help raise her. But then Katherine came back and said they said she died. I don't know, I guess I could never really get over it"

Bucky stood up and pulled Steve into a hug

"What are we going to do about the fact that you kinda promised her that the Avengers wouldn't bother her again?" Asked Bucky

"We won't bother her," Said Steve simply

"Don't you think she deserves to know the truth about her mother?"

"If she wants to know, then she can ask and I'll be happy to tell her. But until then I'm not gonna force her to know anything she rather not know"

Bucky nodded and headed towards the door

"Hey, Buck?" Steve asked


"Do you think she's going to be okay?" Steve wouldn't admit it but this question had been bothering him ever since the girl had left that morning.

"She's a tough cookie, she'll be fine," Bucky said and Steve smiled.

Bucky's pov:

"Do you think she's going to be okay?" Bucky could see the desperation in Steve's eyes as he asked the question.

"She's a tough cookie, she'll be fine" Steve smiled at Bucky's response and Bucky left the room. Bucky walked back towards the living room and thought about the conversation he had just had. Bucky knew that Steve cared about Katherine's daughter. But Steve had to realize that this wasn't Katherin's daughter, this was Ashlyn.

"How is he?" asked Nat as Bucky sat down on the couch next to her.
"He doesn't think that Katherine's daughter deserves this kind of lifestyle" Said Bucky

"She's a strong kid, she'll be alright," Said Clint, and Bucky nodded

"That's what I told him."

Bucky noticed a board that had some writing on it. Nat seemed to notice where he was looking

"We're making a chart of everything we know so far" she explained "We know that Ashlyn Riley was given to an orphanage. The orphanage somehow taught her how to fight. The orphanage also works with Hydra, sending kids on missions for them. Somehow Ashlyn escaped, Now that new leader guy wants her to do something for him that's gonna make the world a better place" Nat said the last six words in an annoyed tone and rolled her eyes.

"Let's just hope Ashlyn knows what she's doing" Said Sam

Ashlyn's pov:

Ash explained to Maya and Liam everything that she had heard during the meeting. The three of them were now sitting at the kitchen table.

"So Oliver was planning to kill you all along after you got Hydra for him?" Asked Liam

"Yeah, basically," Said Ash as she took a sip of the coffee Maya had made her.

"What are you gonna do?" Asked Maya as she watched Ash carefully. Ash knew that Maya thought Ash was going to do something reckless and stupid and Ash couldn't blame her, Ash had usually made pretty rash decisions when she was angry.

"For now I'm gonna stick to the plan" Ash decided and Maya nodded

"And what are you gonna do when he comes for you?" She asked and Ash smirked

"Let him come"  


Okay, so this chapter is kinda a filler one...

But more will happen in the next chapter!

Does anyone else find the idea of Steve believing Ash deserved better super wholesome??? 

Just me? Alright then. 

Thanks for reading so far and I hope you enjoy :) 

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