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Ashlyn's pov:

Ash woke up after a two-hour rest.

She had wanted to sleep a little longer however she kept having these weird dreams involving Oliver's head on a scarecrow in the middle of a grass field. Ash didn't like it so she didn't bother going back to sleep even though she was still exhausted. The good thing was that even though she didn't get much sleep her injuries had still managed to heal. So other than the fact that she kept yawning and her throat was very dry from the lack of water, she was good as new.

Ash forced her feet to carry her out of the guest room and into the kitchen. There was a plate of eggs on the table with a little note from Steve telling her to eat up. She sat down and dug into the food. After a week of not eating a thing, this was heaven.

Ash was so focused on her food that she didn't even notice the person walking into the kitchen until they sat down next to her, which made her jump slightly.

She breathed out a relieved sigh when she saw it wasn't one of the assassins from the field.

It was Peter.

He offered her a glass of water which she happily accepted. They didn't talk for a few minutes as Ash finished her food and water. Once Ash had placed her plate and cup in the sink and washed her hands, she sat down on the couch and began playing with the remote. Peter came and sat next to her. Ash could tell he wanted to ask, she was thankful that he hadn't done so yet, but she couldn't keep everything bottled up, Maya always said it was really bad when people did that.

"You can ask Peter, I know you want to" Peter sighed out and Ash turned off the TV, waiting for him to ask her what he wanted to.

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to- I don't want to make this uncomfortable- maybe you don't even want to talk about it- you know what just forget what I-"

"Peter" Ash said calmly in an attempt to calm him down. He gave her a small smile and took a deep breath.

"Where did Oliver take you? And you don't have to answer if you don't want to" he said the last part very quickly since Ash slightly frowned at the first question. She replaced her frown with a sad smile. She really didn't want to talk about this but she should really let it out before it became trauma, if it wasn't already.

"Well I woke up in a hospital" She began and Peter's eyes immediately found hers.

"A hospital?" Peter asked and Ash nodded.

"Funny how he healed me before trying to kill me," She said with a small laugh. Peter didn't seem to find this very funny. He was looking at her with a worried expression and Ash looked away.

"The hospital was empty. Took me at least an hour to find the exit, and the place was huge. Outside the hospital was a tall grass field. The biggest one I've ever seen"

Peter was listening intensely to her story and Ash couldn't help but sigh as she remembered the knife she used to cut the chip out of her arm. Maybe Peter didn't need to know the details, she didn't want him to get traumatized.

"He sent some of the people from the orphanage out into the field to kill me. It's safe to say, it wasn't a very good week."

Peter nodded and it was a few seconds before he opened his mouth to ask her another question.

"How did you get to the Hydra base?"

"Eventually I found a small town at the edge of the field and stole a car. I didn't even know what country I was in, imagine how panicked I felt" Ash let out a small laugh as she remembered how scared she had been.

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