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Ashlyn's Pov:

Ash grinned

She finally found the exit after what felt like years. Well, at least it was a door with the words "exit" engraved in it. Ash would be seriously pissed if this didn't turn out to be the way out.

She turned the handle and pushed the door open.

The good thing was that she was right, this was the way out.

The bad thing was, now Ash was even more confused.

She was in a field of grass. Right in front of the door was grass so tall that Ash couldn't see over it. Ash jumped but all she saw was miles and miles worth of tall grass.

This was a nightmare, this had to be a nightmare. Ash closed her eyes and pinched her arm. She slowly opened her eyes again and was disappointed to find that she was still standing in front of the grass.

Definitely not a dream.

Ash turned and looked at the building she had just stepped out of. It seemed to be like any other facility other than the fact that every single thing inside was white.

How the actual hell did she get here?!

Was she even still in Germany?

Ash shivered a little as a gust of wind brushed past her. Ash tried to give herself a jacket but when she tried to change her appearance her arm exploded in pain. Ash clutched her arm and fell to her knees, letting out a small whine of pain. She brushed her hand over her skin and felt a small bump.

No. freakin. Way.

There was a freakin chip in her skin.

Well, this experience just got a lot more annoying.

Ash tried to look past the building but all she could see was grass. She tried to listen for the sound of cars or something that meant civilization but other than the stabbing pain in her head, she couldn't hear anything.

Ash took a deep breath and stepped into the field of grass. If this was the only way out, so be it.

Maya's pov:

It's been four days.

Maya was sitting at the living room table, listening to the recording over and over again. She may as well find out where Oliver was while they waited for Ash to return from wherever she went. Maya was worried about Ash, it wasn't like her to just disappear. And whatever she told the others, Maya could only hope that Ash had nothing to do with that explosion. Ash had been acting out a little ever since Jackson's death but no matter how much she wanted Oliver dead, she wouldn't harm innocent children. Maya was sure of that. But that still didn't answer the question of where the hell Ash was. This is the longest she's ever been out on a mission without communicating.

Maya stood up suddenly. She had finally made it so they could easily hear the background voices of the phone call and Maya understood what they were saying.

"Къде са по-младите? (where are the younger ones?)"

"долу в мазето. (down in the basement)"

Maya froze as she heard those words. Ash had been right, it was Bulgarian. But this also meant that there were more kids somewhere.

God, where was Ash when you needed her?!

Tony's pov:

Tony had been trying to find Ash. He somehow knew that she hadn't been the one to blow up that building. He just knew.

But that means that something must have happened to her. And Tony wanted to find out what. He had already tried using facial recognition to try to find Ash in any security cameras anywhere, but she wasn't found. It's like she had gone completely off-grid. There was always the chance that-

No, Tony didn't want to think that.

He wasn't particularly close to Ash but he knew that she was alive somewhere. A person like Ash doesn't just die.

Liam was sitting in the lab with Tony as he tried to find Ash by tracking his car. Since that had also disappeared. However Ash was smarter than she seemed, she had removed the tracking chip.

Oliver's pov:

Oliver was very proud of himself. He may or may not have blown up an entire building in the hope that some of the Avengers would be inside. As it turns out only The Emerald girl was there. The only reason he knew what she looked like was from the SHIELD files. Who knew that one of the most deadly assassins in history would be fifteen years old. He had sent some of his children to go and collect her body, however, they found her still alive. Oliver decided not to kill and instead place her somewhere nobody would find her. Where nobody would even look for her. Her blood may be useful in the future, he wouldn't want to waste it. Now that the girl was out of the way, Hydra could finally be his. He may have told Ash that he wanted to make Hydra better and that was the truth. He did want Hydra to be better. Just not in the way she had thought. Who needs the Avengers, when they have every assassin from the Phoenix at their beck and call.

Oliver took another sip of his drink. He was sitting in the Phoenix orphanage office. Now that the Emerald girl was out of the way, he didn't have to worry about a thing. Everything would fall into place. Everything was as it should be. 

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