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    Ashlyn's pov:

Ash stood up and brushed herself off. After a fight that had taken way too long for Ash's liking, she had "accidentally" knocked Liza a little too hard on the head resulting in an unconscious girl laying on the ground of the grass maze. Ash grabbed the knife and readied herself. She took one deep breath in and one deep breath out.

She knew damn well that this was going to leave a scar but that was a problem for another day. Ash pushed the blade of the knife into her arm where the chip was. Blood dripped down her arm and Ash pursed her lips. She kept pushing the blade until she finally found the little square chip. She took it out and crushed it with her fist.

Ash suddenly felt energy coursing through her as her powers returned. Small noises became loud, small bruises on her arm and legs disappeared, and her breathing became more steady. Ash picked up the gun and changed her appearance. She was now wearing her black, skin-tight suit and her hair was in a ponytail, Much better.

Ash continued her run, picking a random direction and going that way. Ash jumped, trying to see above the grass. But now that it was night and dark, she could barely see the grass in front of her. Ash heard rustling coming from both in front of her and behind her.

Not being able to see was a slight issue considering the multiple sounds of light footsteps, there was more than one of them.
What kinda hunger games parody was this?!

This whole situation was freakin Ash out intensely. She hated mazes, freakin hated them.

Ash heard a rustling to her left and swiftly pointed the gun in that direction. A rustling to her right caused Ash to pull the trigger in that direction, however, nothing happened.

Great... out of bullets. Anything else the universe wants to add to this horrible day?!

Ash dropped the gun since it was now useless and held the knife tighter in her hand.

Ash sensed it before she saw it. She ducked as a rain of ten bullets showered the spot where her head had previously been.

They had guns and all she had was a tiny knife... how fun.

Ash's mind was trying to come up with a plan but she was getting distracted by every little sound. Grass waving in the wind, the occasional bird flying by, the sound of light footsteps, crickets chirping in the grass, the sound of her own breathing was making her jumpy.

Ash hated it.

She may be an assassin but she was still just a kid. And this was seriously freaking her out. Ash gave up trying to figure out a plan, instead, she opted for the next best thing.

And again, Ash was running. It was a lot more comfortable to run in her suit than in the hospital gown but it still wasn't the best feeling. Ash was still tired, still thirsty, still hungry, still at an incredible disadvantage and the field seemed to be never-ending.

Ash stopped abruptly when a rustling sound came from in front of her. She turned quickly in the hopes of running in a different direction but the grass moved all around her alerting Ash to her situation.

She was surrounded...

Steve's pov:

It's been a week.

One week since anyone had seen or heard from Ash.

But the Avengers had a plan.

They were on their way to the base in Bulgaria, they wanted to get the kids out of there but they also wanted to find information that may lead them to where Ashlyn was. Maya had come on this mission as well however Liam was staying at the tower. The jet entered Europe and the team got ready for the fight. Thor was telling them about a few creatures he had defeated since they last saw him. Nat was sitting in the back talking in Russian with Bucky and Peter. Tony, Maya, and Sam were sitting in the front and Steve was left with Wanda, Clint, and Pietro to listen to Thor's stories.

Steve wasn't really listening though, his mind was caught on something else. He had this feeling in his chest. He wasn't exactly worried but, he just had a bad feeling. Something bad was about to happen.

"And then I grabbed his sword and shoved it right into his-"

"We're here" Tony interrupted and Thor whined how the best part of the story just got cut off.

Steve stood up quickly, ready for battle. He had his shield in one hand and was clenching his fist in the other.

God, what would Katherine think if she knew the situation they were in?

Steve didn't want to think about that, time to find Ash.

The jet landed and they each exited, keeping high alert in case they had been seen arriving. Sure enough, there was already a group of guards waiting for them a little ahead of the entrance. Steve sighed, this was gonna be a long fight.


"Can somebody take care of that sniper?" Shouted Nat into the comms. There was a sniper above the base who was shooting at them while they fought the other guards that came at them.

"I got it" Replied Clint.

Steve ducked just in time as two arrows came flying past him, towards the sniper. They had been fighting about ten minutes now, but just like all the other fights, the longer they stayed the more agents came to try and stop them.

"We can't keep doing this, somebody's got to get inside," Steve told them as he used his shield to knock out a few incoming agents. Just then Hulk came smashing everything in sight, which gave Steve a second to breathe.

"I'm not sure how we're supposed to get through all this" Called Sam and Steve could hear some of the others agreeing.

"If Ash was here, we would've been done by now" Maya muttered and Steve couldn't help but agree with what she said. He had seen Ash fight and it was incredibly impressive.

Steve stopped in his tracks as a beeping sound caught his attention. He threw the agent he was fighting against a tree and looked around. Steve leaned down and wiped some dirt off an area on the ground. Beeping, red light flickering, counting down... Oh no

"There's a bomb!" He shouted into the comms.

Steve ran back towards the rest of the group, wanting to put as much distance as possible between himself and the bomb but also wanting to make sure the rest of his teammates were okay. The bomb went off. Steve wasn't very affected by it since he had managed to get pretty far and away and warn his teammates to do the same. What he didn't expect, however, was for another bomb to go off, closer to where Steve was.

What was with Oliver and his love for bombs???

Steve went flying backward and landed on his side, luckily he had his shield to stop most of the damage.

"Everyone okay?" Came Maya's worried voice from the comms. Luckily Steve heard his teammates respond that they were all okay, just winded.

Steve looked around, some of the agents nearby had been blasted by the bombs meaning that he now had a clear shot to enter the building.

"I'm entering the building," he said into the comms, quickly standing up and running toward the entrance.

"Pietro, Wanda, Clint, Maya, Tony, and I will stay out here and keep fighting off these guys, the rest of you, go in with Steve" Came Nat's voice and Steve heard his teammates agree with her plan.

Steve jogged into the base with Bucky, Thor, Sam, and Peter following after him.

"Split up, find the kids," Steve told them.

Thor and Peter ran down one hallway while Bucky and Sam went with Steve down another one.

Emerald Assassin X Avengers (an Avengers Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now