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Ashlyn's pov:

Ash had spent the next two hours getting to know her new team. Oliver had appointed her team leader and she had put the four men through various exercises to test what they could do. She was impressed at how good they were with their separate skills. She had Ryder throwing knives at a point on the wall and he didn't miss once. Lucas was showing her his skills with different kinds of guns, and Ash thought he was very good. Henry had hacked into the Avengers tower, and although it took him twenty more minutes than it would have taken Maya, he was better than most people would have been and she was still impressed. Jackson was building and disarming different bombs and had shown Ash how to defuse a grenade. 

The team was now sitting in the various seats of the warehouse discussing tactics and plans. Ash had gotten to know the different members of the team individually now and she told them only a little bit about herself, she told them that she didn't care about making Hydra better or anything. Her only mission was to take Hydra down and that was why she was here.

"We should start with the harder ones first to make it easier" Suggested Henry.

"And who would that be?" asked Ryder who was twiddling a knife between his fingers.

"Carlos Angelo, He's in charge of sending different military units" Answered Jackson

"There's also Tristen Langeto, He's in charge of the different experimentations that Hydra performs" Added Lucas

"I think we can start there and work our way down," Said Ash as she stood up.
"Where are you going?" asked Lucas.

"Well, unlike you losers, I actually have other things to do" Ash smirked as they all looked taken aback. Ash was about to leave when she suddenly had an idea. "Actually Jackson, can I talk to you for a minute?" Jackson gave her a confused look but stood up and walked her toward the staircase. Jackson was about to speak but Ash grabbed his arm and looked down at the boomerang tattoo.

"Where did you get this?" She asked. Jackson followed her gaze and gulped.

"Just something that was given to me growing up" He answered and her suspicions were confirmed.

"The orphanage?" She watched as he visibly gulped at the mention of that place. Ash didn't blame him, the memories she had of that place weren't good either.

"How did you kn-" Jackson stopped mid-sentence when Ash pulled down one of her sleeves revealing the boomerang-shaped tattoo that she had.

"You were one of them?" He questioned

"So were you," She told him and he nodded.

"How did you get out?" he asked.

"I killed whoever tried to stop me, ran away, and never looked back." Ash answered, "What about you?"

"I didn't get out, they sold me to Hydra and I've been working there ever since" Ash felt bad for him.

"Well once we finish with them, you'll never have to work there again" she reminded him and he smiled.

"That would be nice," he said. The two were now at the front doors of the warehouse.

"I'll be in touch, don't die," said Ash and she left the building.

---(time skip - two days later)---

It had taken the team two days to find Tristen Langeto. He was at a major hydra base located in Canada. The team was now on a private jet that Oliver had provided for them on their way to the base.

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