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Ashlyn's pov:

Ash almost laughed as she saw Nat's eyes widen when she changed into the form the Avengers knew her as.

"Who are you?" Nat asked again, gathering herself.

"Your worst nightmare," Ash responded menacingly before bursting out with laughter. Natasha stared at the girl as Ash pulled herself together again.

"Sorry, I've always wanted to say that," Ash said. Natasha ignored the girl's comment and got back into her fighting stance which made Ash sigh.

"Don't make me hurt you" Nat said in a warning tone, Ash couldn't stop the chuckle that escaped her lips.

"As if you could."

---(time skip)---

Avengers pov:

"Has anyone seen Nat?" Steve asked as he walked into the living room where the rest of the team was sitting.

"I haven't seen her since she left the coffee shop," Bucky said from his spot on the couch.

"I didn't see her come back in," Wanda said from the couch she was sharing with Pietro.

"Do you think she found The Emerald Assassin after all?" Sam asked.

"It's possible, but wouldn't she have told us?" Tony asked.

"Maybe something happened to her comm? Anyways we shouldn't worry, Nat's got this handled." Clint reassured the team.

---(time skip)---

To say the team was worried was an understatement. It had been a few hours and nobody had heard from Nat. Tony had called Peter and told him to be on the lookout, but Peter had reported back that he hadn't found anything. It was now nearing the time where Bucky was supposed to meet The Emerald Assassin and the Avengers didn't know what to do.

"Do you think she would actually show up with Nat?" Bruce asked the team as they were all standing in the lab.

"I mean that is what she is getting paid for." Bucky reminded them.

"We aren't actually going to pay her... Are we?" Sam asked them.

"Not a chance," Tony said firmly.

"How about we surround the building where Bucky is supposed to meet her, then we can catch her," Steve suggested.

"We shouldn't take any chances, I'll call in the kid," Tony said as he walked away bringing the phone to his ear.

"We should get ready to go," Bucky said as he stood up and pulled a jacket over his metal arm.

---(time skip)---

Bucky's pov:

Bucky stood outside the abandoned shop. The rest of the team including Peter were spread out, surrounding the building. There was absolutely no way that The Emerald Assassin was getting out of this one. As Bucky walked into the building, he wasn't surprised to see that the girl wasn't there yet. As they had noticed earlier, she loved to make dramatic entrances. Bucky walked further into the building and he noticed a body on the ground. He walked closer to the body but started running when he saw that it was Nat's. As he rolled Nat so that she was laying on her back, he checked her pulse and sighed in relief when he felt a heartbeat.

"I found Nat," he said into the comms.

"Is she ok?" he heard Steve's panicked voice.

"She's fine, just knocked out."

Bucky picked up the note that was laying on the ground close by.

Dear Avengers,

I still want my money

You know who I am


Bucky sighed and picked up Nat, bridal style. He walked out of the building and was met with the rest of the team already waiting for him outside. Steve took Nat out of Bucky's hands and Bucky showed them the note.

Pietro sighed before opening his mouth to speak, "I gotta admit, I did not see that coming."

Emerald Assassin X Avengers (an Avengers Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now