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Tony's pov:

Tony walked down the hallway until he was right outside Maya's room. He didn't bother knocking on the door but just came in. Maya was sitting with her legs crossed on the floor leaning against the wall.

"I have questions and you have answers," Tony stated as if the matter weren't up for discussion.

"That depends," Maya responded. Tony ignored her comment and thought about which question he wanted to be answered first.

"How did you get your hands on the same security as me?" Tony asked, thinking back to when he couldn't track the girls using their website.

"Your security? Why would I want your security?" She asked, clearly confused by the question.

"Because it's the best network in the world," Tony stated as if it were obvious. What he didn't expect was for the girl to burst out laughing. He just stared at her until she gathered herself up again and looked at him.

"If your security is the best in the world, then our world has some serious issues." Tony just stared at the girl with his mouth slightly open, It isn't every day that somebody insults Tony Stark.

"What do you mean by that?" he asked, trying to keep his calm.

"I can hack through your network in like 5 minutes. I do it when I'm bored," she said calmly and started to play with her thumbs.

"W-what! How?!" He almost shouted but caught himself. But Maya only grinned at him. Tony couldn't handle this. With a last look at Maya who was now braiding her hair, he left the room and locked the door. He would definitely be having a word with JARVIS about the security of the tower.

Avenger's pov:

Everyone was laughing when Tony walked back into the living room.

"Damn that girl just owned you," Sam said as he tried to keep his laughter in.

"Well at least now we know she's a hacker, probably the brains of the pair," said Nat who had managed to control her giggles.

"Hey guys, what's so funny?" Everyone turned to see Peter with his school backpack on, walking out of the elevator.

"Hey паук (baby spider), Tony just got outsmarted by a teenager," Nat said as she smiled at the boy.

"не в первый раз (Wouldn't be the first time)," said Peter, to which Bucky started laughing even harder. Everyone just stared at the three. Ever since Nat started teaching Peter Russian, the two of them and sometimes Bucky had begun talking about everyone behind their backs.

"Is it the girl you were looking for?" asked Peter, turning to Tony, Tony took a deep breath and collected himself again.

"No, but she's the girl's friend and we think they might be working together," Said Tony, ignoring Sam and Clint who were still laughing.

"Do you think The Emerald Assassin knows that we have her friend?" Asked Steve.

"It's only been a few hours, maybe we should send her a message?" Bucky said as Nat pushed him aside so Peter could sit next to her on the couch.

"Are we sure we want her to know?" Asked Sam suddenly paying close attention.

"She'll figure it out eventually, this way we'll have the upper hand." Said Nat.

"Well, now we have to figure out what to write," Clint told them.

Ash's pov:

Ash was pacing back and forth through the kitchen taking a shot of whipped cream every time she turned. She was worried, to say the least. It had been a few hours since Maya had texted her and she never took this long with her grocery trips. As Ash was about to turn and pace in the other direction, there was a ding from Maya's laptop. Walking over to the table where the laptop was already open, Ash saw a notification from the website. She clicked on it and frowned when she saw that she had a message from Tony Stark. She read over the message and her eyes widened slightly.

[We have Maya

Come to the Avengers tower at 3 pm

We just want to talk

You know who we are


Ash gasped

"They stole my catchphrase!!" She whined angrily. She shut the laptop and called Liam downstairs.

"They have Maya."

"Who?" Asked Liam and he sat down at the table facing Ash.

"The Avengers," said Ash, and Liam gave her a confused look.

"What do you mean?"

"The Avengers have Maya and they want me to come to talk to them," said Ash quickly as she stood up and walked to the weapons drawer. She opened it and started looking through the different guns, deciding which ones she wanted to bring with her.

"You're not actually gonna go right?" Liam asked as he took the gun out of her hand.

"They have Maya, I have to." Ash grabbed a similar gun to the one that Liam had taken from her and placed it in her holster attached to her belt.

"Ash, there's gotta be another way to do this," Liam said worriedly and he followed her to the mirror where she had started changing her appearance.

"I have to get her out of there."

"It would be even worse if they had both of you, you really think Maya would want that?" Ash stopped what she was doing and looked at Liam.
"They want to talk, I'll give them a talk."

Ash now had the same dark brown hair and green eyes that they had seen her with at the cafe. Her eyebrows looked slightly different than they usually did, and her lips had a different shape. She had her long hair in a ponytail and a cropped tank top and black leggings. There were two guns on each side of her body attached to the belt around her waist. There were also two knives in each boot. She also wore the Zapperdoodles on the palms of her hands. When she was done making sure the guns were secure on her belt, she turned back to Liam who had been watching her this whole time.

 When she was done making sure the guns were secure on her belt, she turned back to Liam who had been watching her this whole time

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"How do I look?" She asked him.

"Totally badass" He replied and she smirked.

"Don't let your sister hear you say that," she said she ruffled his hair. Turning toward the clock on the wall the time showed that it was currently 2:50 pm. Ash had already planned in her head how she was going to make her dramatic entrance. She said goodbye to Liam and promised that she would make it back in one piece. She hopped on her motorcycle and sped down the street. When she reached a few buildings away from the tower she grinned. She was going to get her friend back.

Emerald Assassin X Avengers (an Avengers Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now