Bonus scene #5

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Ashlyn's pov:

Ash and Steve had decided to go on a run but after they passed an ice cream shop, Ash insisted they stop to get some. Steve couldn't refuse even if he wanted to. So the two were currently sitting on a bench outside the ice cream shop looking out to the park that was across the street. Ash had gotten coffee ice cream while Steve got pistachio.

"Do you think Bucky and Nat will get together?" Asked Ash as she licked her spoon.

"What?" Steve looked completely confused which made Ash laugh, he had no idea.

"I'll tell you when you're older" Ash laughed out and Steve gave her an unamused look.

"Bucky's still getting used to things, I don't think any of the Avengers are getting together any time soon." Steve sighed.

"Peter asked me out," Ash said casually and she pretended not to notice how fast Steve's head turned to look at her.

"He what?!"

This just made Ash laugh more.

When Steve realized she wasn't going to tell him anything else, not that he really wanted to know, he turned his attention back to his ice cream and let his thoughts play out.

"What do you think Katherine would say if she knew what I was doing with my life now?" Asked Ash out of the blue, which made Steve smile slightly.

"I think she would be really proud of you Ashlyn," he said honestly. And he meant it, ever since he met Ash, he felt like a missing part of him had been found, and he honestly couldn't be more proud of how things turned out.

"You know Katherine used to make this really good type of cake, I should show you how to make it," Steve said, as he took another bite of his ice cream.

Ash sighed "Maya doesn't let me near kitchen appliances" Steve gave her a questioning look so she continued "I lit our kitchen on fire ONE time, she's never forgotten about it" Ash shook her head. She had tried to convince Maya to lift her ban on the kitchen appliances by telling her that she would (probably) not do it again. But for some reason, Maya still said no.

"I could teach you" Steve suggested

Ash thought about it for a second and then smiled slightly.

"Sure thing Cap."


Back at the tower, Steve was getting out all the ingredients to make the special cake while Ash sat on the counter and watched.   

"So take this egg" Steve handed her an egg " And crack it into the bowl" Ash raised an eyebrow at him "You hit it on the side of the bowl until it cracks and then-"

"I know how to crack an egg" Ash cut him off with an eye roll. The real reason she had raised her eyebrows was that she didn't like eggs, they were creepy.

Steve watched carefully as Ash hopped off the counter and hit the egg on the edge of the bowl a few times. She jumped back as the yolk spilled from the broken shell. No way was she getting this stuff on her hands... But it was too late.

Steve watched, amused, and Ash quickly grabbed a paper towel and started wiping her hands down.

Who knew that one of the most successful assassins in the world would be scared of eggs?

"Pass me the salt?" He asked her and she did. He took a pinch and added it to the bowl.

Ash then had a thought that had been bothering her for a while now, she just didn't know how to say it.

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