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Ashlyn's pov:

----(time skip - one week later)----

"Yes sir, they're both dead" Ash was on the phone with Oliver. In the past week Ash had managed to kill two more Hydra leaders leaving only one left, Marcos.

"And you know what to do next?" he asked

"Are you doubting me?" Ash asked and smirked. For some reason she loved saying that line, it made her feel badass.

"Do you need to be doubted?" Ash scoffed at his answer and hung up the phone. She had decided not to kill Oliver just yet because she knew if she did then the orphanage would just replace him with somebody else. And she didn't want to have to worry about finding out who the new leader was too. So Ash was sticking to the original plan. The next thing on her to-do list would be to meet with Marcos' son and somehow... marry him???

Maya and Henry had done some research to find out more about this mystery son. His name was Tyler and he was the son of the most feared Hydra leader but he worked undercover as a SHIELD agent. When Ash had found out that specific piece of information she had almost cried from laughing so hard. Her life just kept getting more and more interesting. Seriously, she should write a book (...oop). Ash had followed him for the past two days to try and find out what his schedule was like. 

Tyler liked to get coffee bright and early in the morning and then head to SHIELD were (even more ironically) he worked right with the Avengers. Tyler was part of the backup crew for the Avengers meaning if the Avengers ever needed help on missions, Tyler's team would be there. Ash was currently sitting in the same little cafe that Tyler loved so much. She was wearing a pretty floral dress and sandals. Her hair was a very pretty auburn color and her eyes were a pale blue that matched the sky. Ash had also changed her appearance to look about twenty-seven years old, which was the age Tyler was. 

Ash sighed and checked her phone again. Either Tyler had decided to skip his normal coffee trip or he was running very late. Ash stood up to leave but ended up knocking into someone who spilled his drink all over her dress. Ash was about to scoff when she took in the appearance of the man she had bumped into.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry!" The man said quickly as he picked up a couple of napkins that were on the table and started wiping the spilled coffee off her arms.

"Don't worry about it, it was my fault, I should've looked where I was going" Ash said sweetly as she also started wiping down her dress.

"My name's Tyler, by the way," he said as he finally looked right into her eyes. Ash made sure to hold his gaze slightly longer than usual before forcing herself to blush and look down.

"Sarah," She said as she held out her hand to him. He shook it and smiled.

"Well I'd love to make it up to you but I'm kinda in a rush at the moment," He said

"That's fine, like I said it was my fault," She said in the same fake sweet tone that almost made her gag. Was this what those people did in the movies? It was so cringy.

"I have some time off tomorrow, if you want to meet again sometime?" He asked her. Ash was slightly surprised by his confidence but she wasn't complaining. He was making this too easy for her.

"I could probably fit you into my schedule," she said with a slight giggle and he chuckled.

"Alright well give me your number." Ash took his phone and typed in a number that led to her spare phone.

"I'll text you," He said, placing his phone back in his pocket

"I'll be waiting," She said and she watched as he walked out of the cafe.

Avenger's pov:

Today was Wednesday which meant that the Avengers ate lunch with the agents. Director Fury thought it was a good idea for the superheroes to spend some time with the SHIELD agents so once a week the Avengers made their way to the cafeteria where the agents who worked in the tower ate. As Steve and Bucky sat down at one of the tables with a tray of food in their hands an agent they recognized as Tyler walked up to them with a file in hand.

"Fury wanted me to give you this" Tyler said, handing the file to Steve who opened it curiously.

"Two more leaders in the past week. I think she's trying to beat her own record" Steve said with a proud smile on his face. He couldn't help but feel slightly proud of Ashlyn for taking down Hydra leaders on her own.

"I'm not complaining," Said Bucky while taking a bite of his sandwich. Tony walked over to where Steve and Bucky were sitting and soon Natasha, Clint, Sam, Wanda, and Pietro came to sit with them too. Tyler and Steve were discussing the Hydra leaders while Tony was telling the rest of them about some cool inventions he and Peter had made the night before.

"And I'm planning on testing them out tomorrow in the training room because I'm not sure if they actually work yet," Tony told them

"I want to try out the cool wings," Said Sam as he also took a bite from a sandwich.

"Sure thing, just don't break it. And Clint, Peter helped build you a smoke arrow that I want you to try out. You in Tyler?" Asked Tony. Tyler had always been interested in what the Avengers were making, the team brushed it off as him being curious.

"I- I can't tomorrow. It's my day off- and I got-" Said Tyler before he was interrupted.

"Did somebody make plans without inviting me?" Asked Sam incredulously

"Well- I- I kinda-" Tyler stuttered and Nat grinned

"Somebody's got a date," She said and the mouths of Tony, Sam, and Clint fell open.

"About damn time! I was starting to think you were gonna keep ignoring all the ladies hitting you up" Said Sam giving Tyler an approving pat on the back.

"I didn't plan it... I met her this morning and she seemed nice so I asked her" he said simply

"Atta boy," Said Clint with a smirk on his face. Tyler rolled his eyes and began to walk away.

"And I want to meet this mystery woman!" Called Tony after him but Tyler just shook his head with a laugh and kept walking.

"Pretty boy's got a date," Said Sam happily. The team had known Tyler for a little over a year now and he had never asked any girls out before. Not even when he had come with the team to a bar once and there were women flirting with him all night. So whoever this girl was, she must have been special.

Tyler's pov:

Tyler wasn't sure what made him ask out Sarah that morning. Other than the fact that she was breathtakingly beautiful and just his type, he didn't know anything about her. However, his father had been pressuring him to get married sooner rather than later and carry out the family legacy. And if he was going to have a bride, she might as well be pretty and easy to control. Sarah had seemed innocent and sheltered, she would be perfect. Tyler knew that he shouldn't miss the opportunity to see what the Avengers were making. He had spent a little over a year doing everything he could to get in closer with them. But he would just have to skip out on this little show and tell they were having, he had a date to prepare for. 



I woke up today to find 1K reads!!!!!!!!

And we hit #10 in Avengers!!!!!!!

Thank you so much for reading this story so far! I can promise that a lot more is coming!

Enjoy :) 

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