Bonus scene #4

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This chapter is really long so put y'alls seatbelts on.

Ashlyn's pov:

"Come on Ash, it's not that bad I swear,"

Ash was standing outside Midtown High School, the school that Peter and Maya attended. How the hell the two had convinced her to try it out was beyond her, but somehow, they had. Students were walking past them through the doors as the bell rang. Tony Stark had made a few calls to the school so that Ash would have the same schedule as Maya, who had taken the same advanced classes as Peter.

"Come on, we're going to be late," Peter said as he put his hand in Ash's and pulled her with him as he walked up the steps to the entrance of the school.

"So what do we have first?" Ash asked hesitantly, she didn't really want to know.

"AP calculus," Maya said happily.

Ash's eyes widened.

She would rather fight the group of assassins trying to kill her again than attend that class.

Walking through the doors of the classroom was an experience Ash hadn't been looking forward to either. The last time she had attended school was in the 7th grade for an undercover mission and she hadn't had the best experience.

She knew important stuff like fighting, she didn't need to know anything else.

Maya and Peter wanted to sit in the front of the classroom but after Ash threatened to leave, they agreed to sit in the back.

"Good morning class,"

The teacher, Mrs. Collins, was a middle-aged woman. Her hair was in an extremely tight bun that made Ash's head hurt just looking at it.

"Today we will be reviewing implicit differentiation."

Ash raised an eyebrow, was that even a thing?

She was definitely gonna fail this class.

"Take out your notebooks and do the equation on the board"

Ash took out the notebook that she had in her backpack. She opened it to a random page and looked at the board.

What In The Actual Heck Was This?!

(She would've used "hell" but she had spent the last month with Steve and he was kinda rubbing off on her)

Maya and Peter immediately got to work but Ash was completely confused.

She decided not to waste her time trying to figure out what the heck she was supposed to do, and instead just copy off Maya.

"Okay class, would anyone like to explain to me how they got their answer?"

Maya, who had realized Ash had copied off her but hadn't said anything, decided it would be funny to elbow Ash in the stomach.

"Ow!" Ash hissed

"Ashlyn, thank you for volunteering"

Oh crap...


Maya, Peter, and Ash were walking down the hallways of their school on their way to their next class. Ash was definitely traumatized from that math class and vowed never to attend it again because God, that was embarrassing. It was even worse when Ash looked down at the little slip of paper that showed their schedule.

AP Calculus

AP Biology

AP World History


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