Are You Okay?

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Rosy's POV
"What do you reckon Will's up to, it ten minutes after curfew?" Blake asked me since I was second in command being the oldest.
"I don't know I haven't seen him since dinner and he wasn't at the bonfire" I told him.
"He's probably with that hades boy" Sarah added nastily.
"Nico is real nice" I defended.
"Yeah sure we'll see if you still say that when he breaks our little Will's heart." Sarah sneered.
"I find two things wrong with your assumption" Blake retorted.
"And what are they Blake?" Sarah hissed.
"One after everything Nico has been through in his life I think the last thing he's going to do is go around breaking hearts, and two Will is older than everyone here except for Rosy so why is he your Little Will?"
"Whatever" she snarled and walked back over to her bunk.
Then I heard the door slam, and Will walked in grinning like an idiot.
"Hey Will where were you it's ten minutes past curfew" Blake asked.
He didn't answer he just grinned wider and sat down on his bed.
Me and Blake ran over, "Are you okay?" I asked urgently.
"He said it" he giggled.
"Who said what?" Blake asked.
I knew exactly what had made my brother so happy though.
"He said he loved me!" He beamed, at this even Blake had picked up on what was happening and we were both smirking at Sarah.
Cute chapter here but Sarah will have a big part later in the story.
Peace Out

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