Chapter 31

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I know I said it was Monday two chapters ago but it messes up my plan for the chapters so instead of it being Tuesday in this chapter like it's supposed to be it's now Friday and the last one it was Thursday.
Will's POV
I was up early so I was taking a nice long shower before any of my siblings woke up to chastise me for it.
When I was done I dried off and put on a clean camp shirt and a pair of yellow shorts. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and understood why my sister was so concerned it covered half my face and looked just as sore as it was.
As I was leaving the bathroom to grab hoodie and leave to hangout with Nico and Crystal before breakfast I remembered that Nico had wanted me to bring one of my siblings to chill with us today since I've meet his sister.
I surveyed the room and saw that Blake was up too, barely awake up still technically awake.
I walked across the room to his bunk and tapped on his shoulder. At first I had startled him but he quickly realized it was me and looked up still rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
"What's up Will?" He asked.
"I wanted to know if you wanted to hangout with me and my hades friends since Friday is a free day" I offered.
"Why don't you ask Rosy if she wants to?"
"Because Rosy thinks she's my mom which I really don't get because she has much younger siblings to baby than her seventeen year old brother and I can't casually hang out with my boyfriend with her around she'd be weird and like death stare him or something and he asked me to bring one of my siblings to hangout since we hangout with his sister everyday and ..." Then Blake cut me off.
"Dude chill you start rambling when you get nervous, course I'll come with you as long as you aren't suckin face all day." he joked.
"Why does everyone act like the only thing we do all day is kiss?"
"Maybe because it's true?" He offered.
"Here I'll prove it to you I bet you that I won't kiss Nico one time today and if I win you have to do all my chores for a week"
"And if I win you have to drag Nico to the campfire and kiss in front of the whole camp for five minutes but you can't tell him ahead of time"
"Deal, but if I lose and he kills me it's going to be all your fault"
I tease,"Now come on it's Crystal's turn to wake Nico and it's pretty funny to watch.

Blake's POV
I was looking forward to spending the with Will and his friends. I don't usually do much I take my shifts at the infirmary and play cards with Rosy and a couple of other after dinner not all too exciting.

We reached the hades cabin and what I can say it that it matches the god of death and his children. The outside walls were smooth obsidian and in either side of the door torches burned with creepy green flames. Will didn't seem the slightest bit intimidated by the cabin but I figure he comes here so often he's probably used to it by now.
Will knock on the door, "hey Crys I'm coming in with my bro that alright?" He shouted.
"Yeah Nico won't get up so I'm sitting on his back" A female voice called from inside.

As we walked inside I noticed that it looked nothing like the gloomy and slightly scary outside of the cabin. The walls were a nice cream color and the windows were covered in heavy red drapes, one half of the cabin had two big beds and two wooden dressers while the other was occupied by a black leather sectional and flat screen tv.
On the bed closest to the door a girl about fourteen was sitting with her arms crossed on a lump in the covers, which was probably Nico. Crystal looked a lot like Nico she had long raven black hair that was messy and knotted and her eyes were dark brown almost black the one thing that was different from her to her brother is that while he preferred to wear dark clothes she had on a bright green t-shirt and fluffy pink pajama pants that said ACDC in purple lettering.
She wiggled and squirmed tiring to wake up her brother but wasn't making any progress.
"No Crystal your doing it all wrong move out of the way" Will shouted.
Crystal apparently knowing what he was about to do grinned evilly and got off sitting down on her own bed.
"You have till the count of three. One... Two... Three." Will ran from his side of the room and jumped landing on the sleeping boy.
Nico sprung out from under the blankets and started yell at the blond, " Will Solace you son of a bitch why would you do that having Crystal's weight on my back is one thing but you weigh like five times more and jumped on me my back is going to hurt for weeks, it's too early early for this kinda crap you should.."
"Your cute when your angry DeathBoy" Will cut him off.
Nico blushed and pulled him in for a kiss Will tried to pull away but then Nico brought his face up to meet his. Realizing that he had already lost he deepened the kiss but were shortly interrupted by me not being able to resist teasing my older brother, " Wow Will we have only been here for about five minutes and you already lost"
Will broke apart Nico and turned to face me, "that doesn't count he kissed me" he complained.
"And you kissed back so I will see you both at the campfire tonight" I smirked.
"Sunshine who is this and what did you lose?" Nico asked sounding annoyed.
"Yeah Doc from the smug look on his face it seems pretty devious" Crystal added almost laughing.
"We were arguing because he said that all I do all day is kiss you so I bet him that I could go the whole day with out kissing you but you just made me lose" Will sighed.
"And because I won you have to do my request which you won't find out what it is until tonight"

There was a brief period of uncomfortable silence but Crystal broke it, '' Soooooooooo who's the dude?" She asked pointing to me.
"That's Blake my half-brother he's a year younger than me" Will answered her.
"So you're the single hot Apollo?" she asked me.
I didn't know what to say Crystal is a bit cute but I can't tell if she was being serious.
"Leave him alone Crys I was only picking on you" Will said laughing at how I froze.
"But seriously come sit by me I don't bite" Crystal said patting the bed beside her.
I nervously walked over and sat next to the daughter of hades, who had slung her arm over my shoulder.
"Gods your tense and don't worry I don't have a potty mouth like those ones over there" she said pointing her thumb at Nico and Will.
"I beg to differ yesterday when you came back you said you were going to kick our asses because you thought we were doing the nasty" Will countered.
"I don't remember that ever happening" she shrugged, "how 'bout you Neeks do you remember me saying anything like that?"
"He was asleep idiot"
"Then you have know prof Mister Doctor Professor potty mouth"
"Anyways what do you want to do today Sis?" Nico spoke up.
"Dunno, What do you want to do hot stuff" She said poking my stomach.
"Uh uh I uh" Smooth Blake real smooth.
"Crystal leave him alone you'll scare him away" Will said laughing.
"Aw come on Dr. Solace I'm only pick and you got to admit pretty hot" Crystal said shrugging.
"I would have to say she's right Will but only because he looks like you" Nico agreed.
"Well then I guess I can't see it because ya know he is my brother" Will said.
They must have noticed how uncomfortable I looked, "Hey Blake you okay dude" Will asked me.
"Yeah" I meant to answer but it came out more like a question.
"See what you did Nico you made Mr. Hottie uncomfortable" Crystal yelled at her brother.
"I made him uncomfortable your the one who keeps calling him hot" Nico defended himself.
"You said he was hot too"
"No I said he resembled my boyfriend and I think Will's hot"
"Would both of you shut your traps your not making it any better" Will yelled.
"Sorry Doctor" the siblings yelled back at the same time.
"You guys are idiots" Will told them.
"But we're your idiots" Nico said draping himself over Will's legs.
"Yeah you'd be lost with out us" Crystal teased, then she pulled me closer to her so our shoulders were smashed together,"So Blake tell me about yourself"
"I'm not that interesting I work in the infirmary with Will and I usually just play cards with Rosy while she complains about how late Will comes back to the cabin"
"He's also amazing at archery even better than me" Will adds.
"Will it doesn't take muck to be better at archery than you I've only got two lessons from your sister and I'm better than you" Nico retorts.
''Well Blake if your gonna join our posse you need nickname" Crystal said.
"Who said we are a posse? what if we wanted to be a click or a gang?" Will teased.
"That's not the point Dr. Sunshine" she sighed, "that it we can have doctor sunshine and archer hottie" she beamed.
"Couldn't they both be Dr. Sunshine being sons of Apollo?" Nico questioned.
"Stop blowing holes in my ship Mr. Gloomy" she yelled
"How about I'm just Blake?" I offer.
"But that's boring" She complained.
"If he wants to be boring let him be boring sis"
"Stop picking on my favorite brother you underfed peasants it's time to go to breakfast" Will yelled grabbing a hand from both of them and started walking out,''Do I need to come back for you to hold you hand or are you going to follow us?" he asked me, but before I could answer Crystal used he free hand to grab my wrist and pull me along too.
What do you think about Blake? Do you have any better nicknames because I don't know I have a friend named Blake but the only thing we call him besides his name is Blocka(Said with long a sound) and I can't even remember why we call him that.
Peace Out

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