Remodeling and Pop Songs (Part 1)

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Nico's POV
I woke up drooling on Will's chest, when I realized that I was only in my underwear I blushed slightly. "Hey Darlin you good no more nightmares?" He asked his southern drawl heavy, I liked that about him when he first wakes up or whenever he's real tired his accent gets real heavy.
"Yep I feel great sunshine" I replied,and as he pulled me closer (ignoring the puddle that had collected on his shirt)I breathed in his sent, pine and cologne. Then he kissed me, it wasn't long just a peck on the lips but even that earned i gagging sound from Crystal.
"You lovebirds going to come to breakfast or going to keep sucking face?" She teased walking out of the bathroom still putting on her purple tank.
"Yeah we are" Will replied "Crystal aren't you just the least bit squeamish about getting dressed in front of a couple of guys?" He then asked.
"Yes Will I am totally squeamish about putting my shirt on in front of a pair of gay guys, one of which is my half-brother" she replied sarcastically.
"Point taken"
"Also bro bro you need to put some clothes on" she added before strutting out of the cabin.
Will leaned down to kiss me again but I put my hand over his mouth, "Will I'm hungy" I whined.
"And I'm hungry for a couple more kisses" he mumbled teasingly.
"Well I'm hungry for food so let me up or you won't get anymore kisses today" I scolded.
"But Nicci" he whined.
"Not buts let me up I need to put clothes on"
He sighed letting me up.
Crystal's POV
After Nico and Will say down I couldn't help but tease them, "What took you so long?"
"Solace wouldn't let me get out of the bed" Nico complained.
"Don't act like you didn't love it" Will teased his boyfriend trying to steal a kiss, but Nico pushed him away.
I giggled at how cute they looked together.
"So what's on the agenda for today Dr. Solace?" I asked.
Will smiled obviously liking being called doctor "Not to make you think that we don't want to hang out with you but don't you want to hang out with Mandi and Kandy?"
"Mandi went to New Rome with Lyle for there one year anniversary and Kandy went to visit her mom in Nevada."
"Okay if we are going to have an extra person and we all have a free day I want to redo your mausoleum of a cabin" Will offered.
"Sounds good doctor" I replied "where to first?"
"Chiron said we could spend as much as we want as long as we don't go too over board, so first we'll go pick out a new shade of paint because all of that black is just plain depressing, second we'll go purchase some nice curtains, third we'll go get some normal beds, and finally we'll go get a couch and a TV."
"Sounds good sunshine"
"Then Chiron also gave all three of us another free day tomorrow to paint and stuff." Will added.
"Sounds rad let's get the van for all this junk, you know how to dive right Will" I replied.
"No why would I know how to drive?"
"Because your seventeen, I can drive I'm only fourteen and Nico's fifteen"
"Guys stop arguing I got it covered, I'll just summon Jules-Albert"
"Okay let's go"
Yes part 1 because this chapter is already long and I still have a lot to write so,
Peace Out

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