Chapter 33

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Okay so this picture made me laugh so hard I just had to put it in here.
Will's POV
I woke up and my neck was wet. Which was strange because I didn't have any nightmares last night which is the usual reason for me sweating in my sleep.
Remembering the events of last night I decided it was best to just give Nico some space so I sat up and stretched but something fell against my back. I turned around and found the sleeping form of Nico di Angelo, drool coming out the corner of his mouth.
He started mumbling something and was being to wake up so I spun around and pulled him into my lap.
"Will?" He whispered softly.
"Yes Darlin?"
"I'm sorry"
"Sorry for what?"
"For last night for snapping at you I I just don't want to be alone"
"It's not your fault I shouldn't have done that you had every right to be made at me"
I don't know why he was apologizing in the one was inconsiderate. I knew he hated being alone and I made him fell like I had left him.
"I'm not made at you I don't know what I would do if we broke up, I'd probably slowly die of sadness" Nico told me.
"Is that why you fell asleep on my back?"
"Kinda you just calm me down and you smell like the forest and cologne"
"You know what Neeks if my smell calms you down here" I said as I took off my black BMX hoodie and shoved it over his head.
"Really?" He asked turning to look at me.
"Yes I have plenty more you can have a different one everyday day if you really want" I laughed.
"I didn't think you had any black clothing sunshine" he said lifting up his arms and looking at the torn up sleeves.
"Well as you can see this one is pretty old and beat up I got it when I did BMX a year or two before I came to camp it barely fits any more but it fits you perfectly" I say tickling his stomach on the last part.
"Will stop please ahh" he shrieked between fits of laughter.
"But you look so cute when you laugh like that" I tell him.
"I am not cute" he pouted.
"Are too" I say tickling him again.
"Fine fine I'm cute stop tickling me" he squeals.
"Than right you are cute and don't you ever forget it"

"You guys make me sick" a voice called from across the room.
I put Nico down and walked over to the bed were Crystal was reading.
"I think you're just jealous" I state.
"Jealous of what?" She asks not looking up from her book, I tried to see what it was but my dyslexia made it impossible.
"Of this" I yell tickling her too and making her drop her book.
"Will" I she yelled laughing," you made me lose my page".

That's another thing I have learned about the child of hades, they are extremely ticklish. And they get made when they can't get me back because I'm not ticklish.

"Nico help me" she laughed.
"You're on your own sis if I help you he'll get me again" Nico told her as he peeked over the back of the couch.
"Yeah DeathBoy you don't want to help your own sister" I chuckle.
"No I'm fine with you torturing her" he squeaks.
"Well then I guess I just might have to get you again" I tease.
"How about no" he says.
I stop tickling Crystal and take a step towards him, he immediately runs out of the cabin not realizing that he wasn't wearing anything other than his boxers and the hoodie I gave him.

Blake's POV
I was walking towards the hades cabin because Crystal invited me to come back over when I ran into Nico. Or rather he ran into me.
"Sorry Blake I didn't mean to" he apologized as he got off me.
When he stood up I noticed that he had on a hoodie and a pair of underwear, he must have noticed too because his face flushed bright red as he gave me a hand up.
"Where you going all dressed up?" I asked.
"Well I um I was" started telling me but then the door of the hades cabin slammed shut and he ran off.
Will walked into the place where his boyfriend once stood smiling evilly.
"What did you do to the poor boy now?"I ask sarcastically.
"I was tickling him and his sister and he kinda ran away" he laughed.
"Kinda? he doesn't have pants or shoes on and I pretty sure that's your hoodie" I shake my head.
"Well I was coming to tell him that I was done but you see how that went" he admitted.
"I'll go get him" I sighed and walked in the direction the son of Hades had ran.

Jason's POV gasp I bet you weren't expecting that.
I had just left my cabin to go to breakfast when I saw Nico run past me towards the woods. 'That's strange he usually stays in his cabin with Will and his sister all day on Saturday' I thought to myself.
"Hey Jason have you seen Nico" a son of Apollo asked me, I felt bad that I didn't know his name.
He looked around fifteen or sixteen he had blonde hair like the rest of his siblings and he was kind of short for how old he looked.
"Uh yeah I did sorry I don't know your name" I apologize.
"It okay not many people do I'm not really that social, My name's Blake" he stuck his hand out for me to shake.
I shook his hand," if you don't mind me asking why do you need to find Nico's?"
"There was a tickle fight and he kinda ran into me any away from Will so I was sent to get him cause Crystal didn't want to" he explained with a smile.
"So your friends with them?" I ask surprised that they let someone into their group considering how close those three are.
"I think at least since yesterday" he said.
"In that case I help you find Nico he has special spot in the forest"
Yeah another chapter whoop whoop sorry if the last chapter made it seem like I was breaking them up again.
Peace Out

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