Chapter 46

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Rosy's POV
If someone can guess what happens in this chapter I'll dedicate the next chapter to you.
I was walking to the archery range to practice my bow when I saw that there was already two people there. I squinted my eyes and saw Blake getting ready to fire and Nico sitting on a rock near him. Blake shot a bullseye and Nico go up and hugged him before kissing him.
Shocked I stomped over and ripped the two apart they looked at me and blinked twice.
"What are you two doing your both in a relationship" I screamed then grabbed Nico by the front of his shirt,"And you who do you think you are cheating on my brother and..." Blake cut me off mid sentence and I just looked at the mixture of confusion and terror on the small boys face.
"Rosy that isn't Nico" he say trying to loosen my grip on his shirt," Why would I cheat on my girlfriend with my brother's boyfriend I'm as straight as a board you know that" He pleaded.
"If he's not Nico who is he?" I growl not loosening by grip on his shirt.
"I'm Crystal" the boy squeaks and Blake nods," I can prove it if you want"
"And how are you going to do that?" I question releasing his shirt.
He thinks for a second,"Blake give me your bow" he sticks his hand out.
"But you suck at archery" he gives him a puzzled look.
"Exactly now give me your bow"

He noches an arrow and pulls back the string fires and the arrow flies over the target and into the tree behind it.

"And if you need more proof you told me that you were dating Jake Mason from the Hephaestus cabin right after I said I was dating this idiot" he jabbs his thumb at Blake who was right beside him.

I didn't what to do so I gave her a hug,"It is you," I pull away," Sorry for threatening you Crys it just looked like your brother cheating and I can't go through Will and his post break-up sobbing for a third time and- wait why are you a guy in the first place?"
"Well Nico turned into a girl and he was crying like mad so I told him if it would make him feel better that I would be boy for as long as he was a chick" she says.
"Aw you are like the best little sister ever" I hug her again.
"Thanks Rosy"
"Yeah Rose that's cool but can we get back to practice without you almost killing one of us?" Blake asks.
"Sorry again Crystal do you want to have your lesson now instead of tomorrow?"
"I guess.

Peace Out

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