Chapter 51

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Will's POV
I woke up with Nico flat against my chest drooling again. That boy really has a problem I go to sleep dry and wake up covered in his slobber. As I looked at the sleeping boy on me I noticed that his hair looked more disheveled than usual, with the amount of time I spend messing with his long black locks it was never really messy. I tried shaking him awake but he just grunted and dug his head deeper into my chest.

"Nico wake up baby" I say sweetly but firm.

"Mut mm mumfy" he mumbles in to my shirt.

"I can't understand you will you please get up Crystal and Blake already left like an hour ago" I kiss the top of his head.

He looks up at me with his big brown eyes and attempts to scowl but just made himself look even cuter.

"But I don't wanna I want to stay here all day and cuddle" he whines.

I blink a few times and realize that I wasn't looking at the mirror image of his sister I was gazing upon the cute face of my Nico. The Nico that's a cute little boy that's the best to cuddle with. I overcome my shock and scope him up in a bone crushing hug.

"Will I can't breathe" he wheezes.

"Sorry I'm just so happy you're you and were together and nothing is wrong" I loosen my grip just a bit.

"What do you mean I'm me aren't I always me?'' he asks oblivious to the fact that he had changed.

"Did you not notice" I pull away to look at him.

"Notice what?" he asks utterly confused.

I punch him in the chest just hard enough to make him realize that he had a flat chest again.

"Will I...I...I'm me" he pats his chest and ruffled his, shorter than I remember, raven black hair.

"Yes Neeks I'm so happy for you" I say.

I was about to get up and switch my droll stained shirt for one of my fresh ones that I kept in Nico's dresser but he had pressed his soft pink lips to mine.

"Nico" I moan into the kiss slowly pulling away,"We need to go to breakfast"

"But I want stay here with you" he purrs nibbling my bottom lip.

"I'm serious DeathBoy we have to go" I gently push him away.

I slide him off me and pull my wet shirt over my head,"but sunshine come on cuddle with me" he pouts making grabby hands at me.

"Well when you put that way" I smirk climbing into the bed pulling him against my still bare chest.

His face beamed bright red and his heart rate sped up.

"Something wrong" I purr making love bites along the exposed skin of his neck.

"Will what are you doing?" he moaned a hint of fear laced his words.

Nico's POV
I didn't know where this side of Will came from. One minute he was getting ready to pull me along to breakfast, the next he was shirtless and leaving hickeys all over my neck.
"Cuddling just like you wanted" he whispered seductively in my ear, sliding his hand up my sending shivers up my spine.

"O-Okay" I stutter.

"Is this not what you just asked for" he growls.

"I-I-I-mmhn" he cut my explanation of with his mouth shifting so that he was straddling my waist.

I gasped into his mouth as he began to lift my now five sizes to big shirt.

"Will" I moaned as he broke the kiss completing the action.

He lightly clapped a hand over my mouth as he began a trail of kisses down my pale stomach.

I moaned into hand at each one feeling my pants get tighter and tighter as he neared my V-line. he stopped at the waist band of my sweats and fitted his mouth to mine again his hand rubbing circles on my back. No wanting him to think he had total control I licked his lip asking for entrance, he obliged and we battled for dominance with him coming out on top swirling circles with his tongue.

Then he pulled away,"Think about this next time you decide to play hide and seek" says as he pulls on a shirt leaving me panting and shirtless.

that got a little bit smutty just whenI tell my friend I wasn't lonely enough to write smutt. But I bet all you dirty minded Solangelo peeps enjoyed this.

I would also like to ask all my wonderful readers if you have not yet done so read 'Solangelo love' and 'Solangelo love-last moments' by aspiringnovelist666 because her works are truly amazing and she dosen't get as much recognition as she deserves for her writing.

Peace Out

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