Chapter 47

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Will's POV
After another sort of uneventful day the four of us were in the Hades cabin at about eleven or twelve. Blake had fallen asleep on Crystal's bed with her in his lap. Crystal was on her phone texting people and I'm pretty sure she was texting Nico. Nico was in my lap and he was also on his phone and I was absentmindedly braiding and unbraid his hair it was really long and soft.

"Hey Dr. Solace you never do my hair" Crystal protests looking up from her phone.
"No I don't the last time I tried to touch your hair you screamed 'Get the fuck away Solace before I beat you with a spoon' " I say.
"I don't ever remember doing that" she crosses her arms.
"Yeah you did that was a weekend or two after my birthday Will was on my bed doing I don't know what you were on your bed reading and Blake and I were on the couch watching Sponge Bob" Nico smirks.
"Curse you boys and your good memories" she shrieks waking her boyfriend.
"What now Crys I need my beauty sleep you know" he murmurs.
"It's too early to go to bed you should stay up and join my emoji war with Nico" Crystal smiles.
"Yeah no I have to go to the bathroom so get your big butt off me"
"But I don't wanna"
"But I don't care" he pushes her off his lap and onto the floor.

"Will I'm tired" Nico whined sleepily.
"Then go to sleep it is like one in the morning" I tell him turning on my side and pulling him against my chest.
"Can you sing to me" he whispers.
"Anything for you"
"NO Will you are not aloud to sing when your anywhere near me" Crystal complains.
"Fine I shall play music via my phone" I say scrolling through and end up picking 'Riptide' by Vance Joy.
Nico falls asleep and I follow soon after.

I'm in a small pink room and have to duck in order to avoid hitting my head off the low ceiling, man it would be great to be short like Nico right about now he only about five foot four and I'm more like six foot.
"Welcome darling" I voice calls from behind me.
I spin a sloppy three sixty and see a younger woman sitting at a table sipping tea.
"Where am I" I ask even though it's a stupid question.
"Why your still dreaming I came to help you" she beams. I look at her closely and I could feel the power she radiated, her features kept shifting never staying on one thing sometimes blonde with blue eyes sometimes red haired with green eyes.
"How would you help me I'm pretty happy with my life right now" I say I really don't know what this goddess would be talking about we're not on the brink of war, there is only a couple kids in the infirmary with minor cuts and scrapes, I gave a wonderful boyfriend whom I am not fighting with.
"Being the goddess of love I am obligated to help out couples in need" Aphrodite says causally.
"But nothing is wrong Nico and I are fine and so are Crystal and Blake"
"What about your little predicament with the meddlesome magic goddess?"
That's what I would need helping Nico was still a girl it had completely slipped my mind it wasn't a big deal I love him so much but I had to play cool maybe I can gather enough information to cure him without actually needing help from the love goddess she said it was the magic goddess so that obviously meant Hecate but why would she be cursing my DeathBoy?,"what about it?"
"I know how you can fix it" she said.
Well duh you wouldn't bring it up unless you knew the cure.
"How might that be?" I ask trying to be polite.
"That's simple my boy you just have to find the spells caster or rather the person who summoned the goddess to cast the spell"
"But malady it could be anyone in either camp" I point out.
"I'm sorry to inform you son of Apollo but the one you seek is someone from your cabin" she says apollogetically.
"No This is true we're a family we take care of each other. Me, Blake, Rosy, Sarah, Autumn, Stephanie we look after each other"
"Just think about it" she say as her and the small room faded away.

Peace out

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