Chapter 29

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Nico's POV
As soon as Jason and Piper I flopped down on the bed in happiness because I didn't have to worry about losing control of my body and from the exhaustion of the day. I closed my eyes feeling the soft blankets beneath me.
"Come on babe you can't be tired already it's only three o'clock" Will cooed laying down next to me.
"Yes I can I haven't got a proper nights sleep since you left too many nightmares"
"Well then go to sleep I'll fight off any nightmares that come to get you" he whispered in my ear.
"How will you do that?"
"With my bare hands now sleep"
"Promise you won't leave?" I ask repositioning myself so that my head was on his stomach.
"Never again Darlin" he replied softly stroking my hair as I closed my eyes and drifted into the most peaceful sleep I've had in weeks.

Will's POV
I watched him sleep for about two hours because I gave up on trying to sleep this early in the day. I ran my hand through his silky black hair he looked so peaceful and calm almost angelic. But then a knock came from out side the cabin.
At first I thought it was Jason coming to check on Nico or Rosy coming to yell at me for not going to dinner again but then I shout came from out side the door, "You guys better not doing the nasty in there because if you are I'ma whoop both your asses." Crystal warned before opening the door.
"I just have two questions for you, 1.) how did you know we were in here and 2.) Why would we be doing that?" I whispered
"I have a counter question why are we whispering?''
"Because Nico's sleeping"
"Okay now to answer your question, I know your in here because Jason told me everything"
"You didn't answer the question as to why you were under the assumption that I'd be in here fucking your brother" I remark calmly.
"I don't know because you're teenage boys with raging hormones and urges" she laughed.
"Jason said that's what we were doing didn't he?''
"Jason's an idiot remind me yell at him later" I sigh.
"Why don't you just yell at him now?''
"Because I promised Nico I wouldn't leave him"
"You two are so cute it makes me sick" she fake gaged.
" If you want a hot Apollo boyfriend my brother Blake's still single" I tease.
"Maybe I take you up on your offer I'm getting tired of all these cute couples I just spent over a month at camp Jupiter with Mandi and Lyle being all coupley."
The dinner horn blew making my stomach growl.
"Hey Crys I don't suppose you could get me some food?" I ask.
"Only if you say how amazingly awesome I am and that you were lost with out me for a month" she countered.
"You are so amazingly awesome can I have some food now?"
"I suppose that was adequate I'll shall be back peasant" she whisper shouted waving her arms.
"Bring some for your brother too I'm going to wake him up soon"
"uggg your so high maintenance why does he stay with you" she teased.
"I'm sorry I need food I'll just starve to death next time" I fake apollogized.
"I'll be back and since you two will be dinning in here so shall I"
"Don't have to be annoying somewhere else?''
"Nope you have me all to your self Dr. Solace"

Crystal's POV
Will's so easy to pick on and he doesn't overreact like Mandi and Lyle do.
"Hey Crystal do you want to sit with us?" Kandy called from the Zeus table.
"No I need to get food for Nico, Will, and myself" I declined.
"Okay maybe next time"
I grabbed three plates from the head table (because it was Monday they made everyone eat breakfast for lunch) expertly balancing all three plates, and started back towards the cabin.

Nico's POV
Will woke me up and I nearly smacked his face.
"It's too early to wake up" I complained.
"Darlin it's after five in the evening" he said sweetly.
"I'm hungry''
"Crystal is getting food"
"My head hurts"
"Take some Tylenol"
"But I'm comfty"
"Guess your plum out of luck"
"But Will"
"But Nico"
"You're still a jerk"
"And I'm still your jerk" he countered giving me a peck on the head.
"Can one of you lazy butts open the door" Crystal shouted.
Will tried to get up but I was still draped over chest so he failed.
"Nico let me up" he sighed.
"But I'm comfty"
"And I'm hungry so let me up DeathBoy" he shoved me off and opened the door for my sister who had three plates of food and looked pretty mad at us for making her wait.
"Nico wouldn't let me up" Will blamed.
"Well then dear brother you don't deserve the food I so generously retrieved for you"
"I'm so very sorry my wonderful sister please allow me to eat"
"I accept your apology"

Sorry I didn't update yesterday but I was typing and I kinda fell asleep then I went to the movies then I watched another movie so sorry.
Peace out

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