Chapter 27

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Jason's POV
"See Nico now we know what's wrong and we can make of plan to fix it" I chirped.
"I hate your plans your last plan got me hand cuffed to my crush" Nico whined.
"Technically that was my plan and don't act like you didn't love it" Piper clarified.
"I still don't like this what if you only make it worse"
"But if we don't do anything you'll never know," Piper said," yes on one hand our plan could fail horribly destroying your relationship making Will hate you along with all his siblings...
"Is that all?'' Nico interrupted sarcastically.
"BUT it could also work perfectly breaking the curse and you'll be reunited with your boyfriend and you can be happy" Piper finished.
"Well I guess I more to gain than to loose, what's your plan?"
"My plan when everyone's at lunch just go up to Will and tell him what happened" Jason stated.
"Jason not to burst your bubble but Will hasn't left his cabin all week so your plan won't work" Nico sighed.
"My plan which is much better than Jason's is that you just stay here and Jason will go tell Will that Nico like broke his leg or something and he doesn't want any of the other healers to help him. Then when he rushes over here to help his one true loves in his time of need we lock both him in the cabin with us and he kisses you breaks my mother's curse and you live happily ever after" Piper stated.
"I like Piper's plan better it seems less likely to get me publicly humiliated and more likely to succeed." Nico said.
"Why do I have to get Will why can't you?'' I asked Piper.
"Because Will knows that you and Nico are best friends and will believe you more than me" se replied as if it were super obvious.
"So when are we doing this?" Nico asked," Cause need to take a shower and brush my teeth, I really stink"
"Yes you do so we can execute the plan after you get cleaned up" I said.

I had been running around camp while Nico got ready so It would look believable that I had carried Nico out of the woods after he broke his leg. Piper came out and told me that Nico was ready and the plan could begin.

"Hey Jason what brings you here?" an Apollo boy asked me I think his name was Blake but I'm not sure.
"Uh is Will here?'' I panted.
"Yeah," he told me,"Will get out you have a visitor" he yelled into the cabin.
A moan came from inside then Will appeared in the doorway, his blond hair was swept to one side, his eyes were red any puffy, and his clothes were wrinkled.
He scratched the bak of his neck,"Hey Jason what are you doing here?" he asked his voice was really horse as if he hadn't spoken for a while.
"It's Nico he broke his leg in the forest and I just carried him back to his cabin" I said with face distress.
"Why can't one of the other healers help him" he grumbled.
"Because he said he would only let you help him"
As soon as I said that he perked up a little,"He said that?"
"Yeah I told him to go to the infirmary but he said that he only wanted you to help him but you weren't there so he wouldn't go"
"Okay let me get my bag and I'll come check on him"

Moments later Jason was running towards cabin 13 with the unsuspecting son of Apollo in tow.

And end of chapter just so you have to wait longer for them to get back together.
Peace Out

A lot can happen in three daysOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora