Chapter 28

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Nico's POV
I was get tired of waiting Jason said he'd be back in five minutes it had been nearly ten.
Then the son of Jupiter ran in the door with Will close behind him.
"Nico which leg hurts? what happened?" Will started.
I was about to answer when Piper slammed the door causing the son of Apollo to freeze.
"What's going on?'' Will asked clearly befuddle.
"I'm helping Nico" Jason said.
"Well what part of fixing his broken leg involves locking me in in the cabin" he yelled.
"I don't have a broken leg he's talking about the ..... ....... put on me to .... .. ....." I said frustrated at the missing words but happy that I hadn't snapped at him like I was expecting.
"What Nico is trying to say is that Aphrodite put a curse on him to make him break up with you and he needs you to kiss him to break the curse" Piper said.
"This doesn't make any sense why would Aphrodite break us up?" Will snapped.
"Because one of you sisters asked her to!" I shout.
"No they wouldn't do that" he said matter of factly.
"Yes they did Nico loves you Will" Piper interjects putting charmspeak into her words.
"yeah okay" he calmed down.
"You have to kiss him now" she commanded.
"Okay" he walked over to bed and sat beside me.
The only thing I want in that moment was to kiss Will and for everything to go back to normal, but of corse that didn't happen.
He leaned in to kiss me but my hand shot up and slapped his face.
"Get away from me" I shout.
Will looks down and started walking towards the door.
"Stop" Piper shouted, "Jason hold him down, Will try again"
Jason then sat behind me pulled me into his lap and held me arms down.
"Grace let me go!" I screech.
"No Neeks this isn't you just let us help you" Jason said behind him.
"Will do it now" Piper shouted.

Will's POV
I didn't know what to do Piper and Jason kept telling me to kiss him but Nico looked like he was about to murder me.
"Will if you really want to help him you'll listen to us" Jason pleaded.
I started panicking in my head. I really wanted to kiss Nico but he didn't look like he wanted to kiss me.
"Will just do it Nico is possessed the only way to help him is for you to kiss him" Piper said.
I din't realize that she had used charmspeak until I was holding the smaller boys face crashing my lips against his.
As soon as the kiss started Nico stopped struggling against Jason's grip and wrapped his arms around my neck deepening the kiss.
Jason cleared his throat, "I'm happy for you guys getting back together and all but It's kinda uncomfortable with you sucking face with Nico on my lap"
"Sorry Jace" Nico apologized letting Jason get up.
As soon as he got off the bed Piper grabbed his arm and starting walking out of the cabin, "Well just leave you guys alone than" Piper smirked.

Solangelo sails once again.
Peace Out

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