Secret to Dine

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Everything was set. In fact, he already was here. Anita had gotten the door and let him in. They hugged and kissed, and (f/n) gave him a half-smile that was forced. He simply smiled back and followed Anita into the dining room while she silently huffed behind the two of them. Now, he was right there, in front of her. While Anita plated everything, since she insisted on doing so, (f/n) sat across from him.

Between them was the vase of pink and white roses with baby's breath. The vase wasn't high enough to block his face. Rather, she could see him quite well. Most likely, Anita wanted to serve them so that she would be forced to converse with Kaleb. Then again, she always could remain quiet and just stare at him to make him feel uncomfortable. She brought her glass of white wine up to her lips and took a sip. Her eyes looked over the rim, and Kaleb awkwardly took a sip of water.

Almost, she smirked, but she resisted the urge and set down her glass steadily. She swallowed her sip and rested her chin on the palm of her right hand. "So, Anita looks happy. I take it that you've been treating her well."

"Of course. I told you that I changed and that I wouldn't return to how I was before." He looked like he wanted another sip of water, but he withheld himself from doing so. Sighing lightly, he asked, "How can I convince you that I mean that?"

"Simple." She pointed to him with her left index finger. "Keep doing what you're doing. As long as she comes home happy and not crying, unless it's tears of happiness, I'll be fine with you and more inclined to trust you." (F/n) picked up her glass of wine and took another sip, her eyes not leaving his. When she swallowed, she remarked, "Shouldn't be too hard, right? Or, are you worried that you might slip and that I'll catch you?"

"No, you're right. It shouldn't be hard at all. I know the mistakes I made in the past, and I know not to make them again." He smiled a little as if to reassure her that things would be alright. She didn't look amused, but she did back off by a bit. "I'll take care of her."

"Is she interrogating you again?" Anita asked, a knowing smile on her lips, while she held a tray with their food on it. She placed the tray on the table and gave her friend a playful scolding look. "Can't you let him have a peaceful meal, (f/n)?"

"You're the one who left me with him." (F/n) winked. "I'm bound to warn him again while you're away." She shrugged and smirked. "You practically left him to the lion," she joked and took another sip of her wine.

"Uh huh," Anita hummed out and rolled her eyes before she focused on Kaleb and pointed to (f/n) with her left thumb. "She gives you too much trouble, just call me."

"Thank you, but she wasn't that bad," he answered, laughing lightly.

"Not that bad?" (F/n) raised a brow. "I don't know whether to be flattered or insulted."

"Take the flattery," Anita cut in before her friend could say anything else about her boyfriend.

Both friends momentarily stared at each other before (f/n) relaxed her shoulders and sighed. "Fine, fine. I'll be nice." Anita nodded in victory before she took a seat between them.

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