Restore to Recover

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop. 


Everything from recently was restored. Dark brown optics scanned over the screen, and he tapped his left fingers against the tabletop. Comprising most of the history was visits to the same locations, which made sense. If someone liked something enough, they would go to it multiple times. Not to mention that he saw the café's name as part of the lines of text.

Lee clicked on each one. Each loaded up a page on Rose Tea. There were various boxes that had information and what looked like other people leaving messages? He wasn't quite sure, but there were tiny little pictures of different people and remarks next to their pictures. To find out more, he tried clicking on several, but he was blocked on every site, which requested a username and password. An irritated sigh left him. These devices certainly had a lot of locks on them.

He left those pages soon after since he didn't gain really any further information on her. Yes, they stated how the café was their dream since high school and that they had gone through college and culinary school to gain further knowledge on their trades before opening the business. Already, he knew that information.

Scanning back over her history, he saw the same locations mentioned, but the café wasn't mentioned in them. Interesting. He clicked on the links, but a blurred screen came up each time, asking again for the username and password since the information apparently was more private. Lee tried to make out some of the text through the blurriness, but it wouldn't work. How annoying.

Going back to the restored history, he tapped his fingers harder against the tabletop. Briefly, his eyes looked towards the direction of the stairs. Was she done with her shower? It had been awhile. Maybe, she was going to skip dinner again. A sigh left him. Lee plugged in the charger for the laptop before he stood up. He needed a break anyway. The cursed device was frustrating him anyway.

Heading upstairs, he couldn't hear movement from within her room. He reached the door soon enough. It was quiet on the other side, so he knocked. She was a deep sleeper, so if she didn't hear him he wouldn't be surprised. No answer. The next time, he knocked louder. And, louder a third time. If he could talk, things certainly would be easier.

To his surprise, though, he heard movement. Maybe, he had caught her before she had gone into too deep a sleep. "What do you want?" she asked, irritation clear in her voice. He simply knocked again. Lee heard a rough sigh from her, and he watched a piece of paper slide under the door with a pen.

Sitting down, he wrote back a response. Are you not eating again tonight? He slid it under.

"Are you already done with my laptop?" she asked back, and he practically could hear her rolling her eyes. Perhaps, she forgot that he very easily could break into her room. When he gave her no answer, she grumbled under her breath. "... Whatever. Why do you care? Do you just want to mess with me again?" The piece of paper slid back towards him.

Maybe. But, you should eat. You don't want to keep walking around like you're half awake, do you? Anita will catch on eventually. And, you know that I don't wish to be exposed to her. Well not yet anyway. Anita could know about him when the time was right.

Fatal Entrapment (M. Yandere x Fem. Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora