Chat to Finish

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Before he could answer, the waiter came over and asked what Kaleb and Tristan would like to drink. Both of them ordered. Kaleb simply got a glass of water, and Tristan ordered a Manhattan. (F/n) did order a glass of Riesling so that Anita wouldn't suspect that something was up by her only having water or ordering some non-alcoholic drink.

Once their drinks were ordered, (f/n) took a sip of her water and glanced over to Tristan expectantly. A smile touched his lips. It had to be fake. Either that or it had a different meaning behind it. The conversation from outside tickled her mind, but she managed to maintain her current questioning expression rather than one of disgust and hurt.

"I do. I help my parents with their interior design business, and I'm very committed to helping our business continue to do well in the industry." It sounded scripted. She couldn't hear it any other way after what she had overheard outside.

"What's the name of the business?" (f/n) asked, an inquiring look staying in her (e/c) optics.

"Fields' Interior Design. Have you heard of it?"

Admittedly, she had. They were known for providing a unique and antique feel to homes. "Yes, I have. You have a loyal clientele from what I've heard." Out of the corners of her eyes, (f/n) noticed Kaleb and Anita sharing a look. A small smile was on both of their lips, and she wondered if they thought that the date was going well. Frankly, she wanted to pull Anita aside and talk to her about all of this; she wanted Anita to prove her wrong, to show that Kaleb and Tristan were just playing some cruel prank, nothing more.

"Yes, we do. My parents largely are responsible for that, but I've helped to keep our clients." She noticed that he tried to say that without an arrogance about him, but she still could tell that it was there.

Not being able to help herself, she asked, "And, are some of those clients the women you've been with in the past?" She took a sip of her water and raised a brow. The atmosphere around the table became a little tense, and Anita looked like she might pull her away. Kaleb rubbed the back of his neck, and (f/n) had to keep a small smirk off of her lips. Catching him off guard certainly gave her mind a little bit of relief after what she had heard earlier.

Coughing awkwardly, he looked nervous. Hopefully, he actually was. "No, my parents wouldn't allow it, and I wouldn't approve of it either. They just wanted to have a good time. It didn't have to do with the business."

"And, you didn't want to have a good time? Did you feel that you just needed to help them?" It truly was hard to keep the smirk off of her lips. Making him uncomfortable helped to dull the pain of what she heard earlier for the moment, and she needed that to get through the dinner.

Sighing, he let his shoulders relax a little, and he looked over to her. "I expect that you don't believe me to be genuine in wanting a serious relationship after all the flings I've had." (F/n) took a sip of water and gave him a look that answered his suspicion in the positive. Tristan released another sigh, and Kaleb and Anita sat by awkwardly. "Well, I'm aware that they make me look bad in this, but I truly want to find someone and settle down finally."

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