Wish to Skip

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Unfortunately, continued searching only led them to comments like the first rating that hadn't been five stars. They were short and left a compliment at the end of the remark. Nothing utterly terrible was said about working at Platinum Investments, and they had checked every posting. It left (f/n) feeling drained, and she eventually told Lee that she was going to get some rest so that she would be able to function somewhat in the morning. She had gone to put away her ice cream bowl, but he had offered instead, and she was too tired to argue.

After she had gone up to bed, Lee had checked two other employee rating sites, now familiar with terminology after having watched (f/n) go through the various comments. To his dismay, they were like the first one. He had a feeling that someone at the company monitored the ratings closely and made sure that nothing too unsavory got out. Or, perhaps, his parents really did a fantastic job at running the business, and they just had an a**hole for a son.

That was unlikely, though, if they knew about Kaleb's plan with Tristan. In fact, that made it impossible for that to be the reality. Sure, they might be good business owners, but they clearly weren't the best of people either. Noting the time, however, he shut off the laptop and cleaned the ice cream bowl before he put it away.

Entering her room, he noticed that she was fast asleep. She was lying on her back, and her right arm was over her eyes. Her breathing was steady, but her position read that she was stressed and exhausted. He put away her laptop and charger before he headed over to the side of her bed. Lee seated himself, and she didn't react to the added weight on the bed. Most likely, she was in a deep sleep.

Leaning in closer, he saw that there were no tear stains, but a frown was on her lips. He sighed lightly and gently removed her arm before he rested it carefully next to her. Her hand grabbed his in the process, and he glanced over towards their hands. A small smirk touched his lips. "Are you dreaming about me now?" he asked in a quiet, teasing voice, and her fingers let go of his hand. Nearly, he chuckled. "Don't tell me that you're awake?" (F/n) didn't respond, and he leaned in close again. She didn't react.

Amused, he stood back up and brushed some of her (h/l) (h/c) hair away from her face before he walked towards her room door. "I'll see you soon." He closed her room door behind him and headed down to the kitchen. Soon, Anita would wake up, and he didn't want to be caught off guard. Part of him was tempted to terrify her, but he'd resist for now. She needed to believe that he was an inanimate mannequin.

Once Anita was up, the day carried on like a regular shift. Lee stood in his usual spot in the kitchen. Nothing of interest occurred. Anita and Scarlett talked, but it was casual conversation when business was slower. The waiters and waitress came and went. (F/n) came into the kitchen a couple of times, but she didn't look Lee's way to act normal. Her demeanor was focused, and she seemed more aware during service than prior days, which brought a smirk to Anita's lips.

Most likely, Anita assumed that (f/n) was acting more like she had when they first had opened because she figured that (f/n) was secretly looking forward to spending time with Tristan. While (f/n) only sent a playful glare towards Anita, Scarlett glanced between them and asked what was going on. Anita grinned and winked. "She likes someone; she just won't admit it." More like, she dreaded someone, but Lee didn't correct the betrayer. Scarlett raised an interested brow, but she didn't question more on the matter when Anita didn't say anymore.

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