Watching to Break

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Two months. That evening that she had gotten back, (f/n) had told Lee. Like her, he saw the benefit in that it gave them more time to find out information on Kaleb; however, it also meant that it'd be harder to keep things from progressing with Tristan. Eventually, they might have to let Kaleb and Anita try another plan if things got out of hand. Lee refused to let her carry on things with Tristan too far, and she didn't want to either.

Unfortunately, their search for information was bearing no fruit. They had checked both companies' main websites, checked reviews about them, checked comment chains on various discussion websites and researched both of the men's names. For either male, it was like nothing bad about them existed. There was the option to contact their old classmates, and Anita's for that matter, but that posed too much risk. (F/n) didn't know them well, and they could inform any of those three what they were doing within a heartbeat.

Even if it was unlikely, they both checked the café's website and reviews too. They hoped that they might find something in there that talked about Anita's relationship with Kaleb, but they didn't. It didn't surprise (f/n) since she checked the café's pages daily to ensure that business was going well, but she hoped that she had missed something. She hadn't.

It didn't help that during the day she had to pretend not to know what was going on. She had to act normal around Anita and fake some interest in Tristan and their 'budding' relationship. Anita already had gone through her closet for an outfit for the coffee shop date. Surprise, surprise, it resulted in her wearing her light blue denim shorts. Thankfully, Anita had let her include her red leather crop jacket. Those two pieces were accompanied by her black v-neck and black ankle boots.

Lee, though, had an idea that might help. That was for him to create his own account for social media; however, he'd still be able to see some of her information since not all of it was purely private on her account and for family members only. Yes, she trusted him more with each day, but she still was hesitant to let him see her family. She could go ahead and change that information that was public to private, but others would notice. One of her family members might wonder if something wrong. Anita would wonder if something was wrong. All in all, it wouldn't be good.

There was the option to have Lee promise not to look at her profile, but he already had admitted that he'd look over it. He wrote how if she wanted to know about his past, which ultimately would include information on his background, he needed to know about some of her past too as well as the ties she had too. It was a fair deal to him, and he argued that it'd maintain their level of trust in each other at the same level. She didn't know if she was ready for that step, but she was appreciative that he was honest.

All of this, though, drained her. It was Monday, and it was the evening. Anita had gone off to the hotel, leaving Lee and her to continue their search. Her head ached, however, and she was presently resting her forehead on her forearms. "We're getting nowhere," she muttered as she heard Lee typing on her computer, no doubt looking for something that they had missed. She heard a note slide over to her.

We can look there. (F/n) knew what he meant, and she huffed before she rested her forehead back on her forearms. Her following silence was enough for Lee to understand. Part of him wanted to force her to start searching on social media. The longer she waited, the worse the situation might become. Yes, he could understand her hesitation, but she only would be putting herself in more danger as time carried on. Slightly, his hands clenched before he forced himself to relax them.

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