Promise to Unlock

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


(E/c) eyes meeting dark brown ones, they held uncertainty in them. Lee could see that from a mile away. Part of him wished to tell her that Kaleb and Tristan hadn't killed anyone, as far as both of them knew, yet they were lying to her face and wanting to control her future. Sure, he had killed people in the past, in his opinion they deserved it, but he was being honest with her; he kept his word to her on multiple accounts. Unfortunately, he had a feeling that wouldn't make her trust him more. If anything, she might pull back because it was too forceful of an approach.

Let me promise you. He repeated the note since she didn't respond. I won't harm them unless they try to harm you.

"... Unless they harm me?" she asked, hesitation in her voice. "Why would they do that? I trust them."

I'm not saying that they would, but it comes from caution. He sighed lightly, but she didn't hear. Not all family members are there for each other. (F/n) peered up at him, the note remaining in her hand. She stared a moment longer as if analyzing for a further hint of what he meant, but she eventually focused back on the note. And if they did do something, I couldn't just stand and watch.

"So, you'd kill them?"

If I had to, if that meant keeping you alive. As she read, she noticed his hands tightened around the fabric of his beige pant legs. His gaze wasn't on hers. It's been a short while, but I don't want you gone. I don't want you to die some horrible death.

Releasing a sigh, she placed down the note. Knowing that he would kill them worried her, but he had mentioned that it'd be only if that was absolutely necessary. (F/n) doubted that it ever would be. Her parents wouldn't betray her, not like Anita, and they were the ones she truly was worried about. She didn't want Lee to kill them.

Deep down, though, she knew that to progress with the search she'd have to give in and grant him access to her social media. She supposed that getting such a promise from him was better than not getting one, finding herself in a similar position in the future and just accessing social media in a hurry. Then, she might not have that promise. Not to mention that Tristan probably would try to kiss her again. A shiver snaked up her spine at the thought. Before Saturday, she did wish to have more information on Kaleb or Tristan for that matter. Just something to have against them.

Averting her eyes back to Lee, she eventually nodded. "... Okay. I'll agree." Instantly, he looked up at her before she saw his shoulders relax. Immense relief washed over him. Good. They could move forward and stop those three before Tristan tried anything worse than he already had. Unfortunately, the day at the pool was the day after tomorrow.

Before he could write anything else, (f/n) stood up. "I'll go get a shower. Then, we can start looking." As she walked by, however, he grabbed her hand lightly. She paused and looked back to him. His hand gave hers a gentle squeeze. Her gaze didn't soften, but she didn't pull her hand away either. "And, you can tell me more about you."

Moving away from him, she grabbed some clothes before she headed towards her bathroom. A paper airplane hit her in the back. She glanced down and picked it up. I promise. I can see your worry. Please trust me. I won't betray my word to you. Now, a small smile touched her lips.

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