Nervous to Dine

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


His shoulders slacked a bit as if he was sighing, and she watched him grabbed some paper. Yeah, I have. I learned it from someone. (F/n) raised a brow. He obviously didn't want her to know who, but they had to be someone important. Or, maybe not, but she had a gut feeling. Even if she couldn't hear his tone, the note just had that feeling to it even if it was a simple message.

"Who?" It was a long shot, but it didn't hurt to try. Like expected, though, he didn't answer. "Someone important?" Maybe if she pushed a little. He didn't pause, but he didn't look at her either; he just focused on marinating the flank steak with ginger, cornstarch and water. "It seems like it is, though. Otherwise, you would've told me, 'no,' already."

Lee stopped what he was doing and grabbed a note. Soon enough, it was being held out to her. Taking it, she read over it and frowned. Maybe, I'll let you in on one of my secrets if you give me your usernames and passwords for all of your searches on your laptop.

"No." He met her gaze. "I'm not letting you know who my family is. I don't want you involving them in this." Lee stood up straight, and his right fingers tapped against the knife handle. "... I won't tell you. You can mess with me, not them. If you had someone important to you, you can understand why I don't want harm to come to them." When he went to write a note, she continued, "And, don't argue that you won't hurt them. I don't trust you."

Continuing to write, he threw a note at her, and she caught it. Even if I were to kill you for not telling me? Even if I were to torture you? Torture Anita? She noticeably gulped. Her hands shook, and she wished that she could see his actual expression rather than the permanent neutral one on his face.

"I won't let you harm them." She set the note aside and prepared herself to run for the front door as he stood up straighter. Her heartbeat increased, and she slowly created some distance between them. "Even Anita ... Well, she isn't here right now. And, I can warn her." That was if she could make it to the front door and leave. She'd also have to outrun him outside, which she didn't know if she could do that.

Of course, she wasn't aware that he couldn't leave the house, but he could draw her family in somehow. He had done that before with some of his victims. Not necessarily their family members but to their significant other, friend or coworker. However, her refusal to give him the information gave him a vital detail. Anita wasn't more important than her family. Good. That'd allow the doubt to seep in further. Lee supposed that was enough to convince him not to demand access to some of her more personal information.

Another note came to her. Very well. I won't look into it. You still have more locations on your laptop for me to look through, but, maybe, you can explain all those circle pictures of people and the notes next to them. Somewhat, she relaxed, but she kept the current distance between them, especially since he had a knife near him. Her brows furrowed a little bit, however, at the second part of the note.

"If I'm understanding you correctly, I think that you mean other users' profiles and comments." He motioned for her to explain further. "You probably were looking at our business's social media pages. Other people are on those sites. They can leave comments and reviews on our business page."

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