Arrive to Eat

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Both of them continued to talk over their drinks. Well, Anita was doing most of the talking, and (f/n) was just waiting for the others to arrive so that she could proceed with the plan. To make it seem like she was interested in the conversation, (f/n) hummed in response here and there as well as added a few words, which Anita didn't mind. Anita continued to discuss future group dates for them and how they'd keep in contact with both men after they left.

Almost finished with her wine, (f/n) was about to take another sip before they heard a knock on the front door. Anita jumped out of her seat and squealed a little in excitement. "It's happening!" she exclaimed and rushed over to the door. (F/n) rolled her eyes and smiled, this one genuine but for a different reason than Anita's smile, before she headed over to the door herself.

Opening the door, Anita smiled brightly upon finding both Kaleb and Tristan there. She closed the distance between Kaleb and her and wrapped her arms around his neck before she kissed him. (F/n), awkwardly, glanced over to Tristan, who stepped around the other couple and walked to (f/n).

"You're not expecting that, are you?" (f/n) asked with a quirked brow. She really hoped not, especially since Lee was right there. A pit in her stomach formed since Tristan didn't respond immediately. Furrowing her brows, she went to question him again, but he smiled and shook his head. He did lean down, and she turned her head in time so that he only kissed her right cheek.

Winking playfully at him, she forced herself to take his hand and guide him into the dining room. An amused smile was on his lips, and he figured that he'd get a kiss later in the evening. Or, several for that matter. Behind them, Anita and Kaleb followed after Kaleb closed the door. All of them took their seats, except Anita, who went to go work on the food. It was prepped, but there remained a few last minute touches.

To (f/n)'s right was Tristan, and Kaleb sat across from her. Frankly, she'd rather sit at a separate table. "So, have I finally earned your trust?" Kaleb asked, and (f/n) almost laughed out loud at the question.

"Hmm," she hummed out and smirked, "I don't know if I'd go that far, but I'm willing to look beyond your past." His past, however, was about to ruin his plans with Anita. "In time, maybe, you'll have earned it." Yeah, not going to happen.

"Well, thank you for having us over," Tristan mentioned, smiling to her. "Hopefully, this means that we can have dinner together more often." Nearly, she laughed again.

"We'll see. We still have to get through dinner," she teased before she leaned back. (F/n) heard Anita still moving about in the kitchen. She'd wait until Anita came out so that she'd be certain that all of them would be present. "Don't think you've won me over yet."

"I haven't?" Tristan joked and smiled. "So, then ..."

Quickly, she cut in and grew embarrassed. Truthfully, though, she was more disgusted by the memories of kissing him. So, she thought of Lee in his place to help her cheeks grow warm. "That's beside the point!"

Chuckling lightly, Tristan smiled, and Kaleb chuckled too. (F/n) huffed and looked away from them both as she crossed her arms. "Just because I kissed you doesn't mean that you've broken down my walls completely."

Fatal Entrapment (M. Yandere x Fem. Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat