Bond to Sever

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Gripping his hand back for a moment, (f/n) pulled her hand away afterwards. (F/n) took a few more bites of stew, which finished most of it in the process. As she broke off a piece of bread to scrape off the edges of the bowl and what she couldn't get with the spoon, she glanced over to him. "You still haven't told me, though, what you found out." Her (e/c) optics focused back on the bowl. "Was it like my case? Was your partner going to try and control your future?" She dipped the bread. "You mentioned that he was after your wealth. That has something to do with it, right?"

He had told her that he'd disclose his past to her now, and after their more recent exchange, she thought that it'd be okay to ask such questions openly without worry. They were ... friends. Mentally, she smiled a little. It certainly was odd and not what she expected of Lee in the beginning, but he was turning out to be a better friend than Anita ever had been.

Yes. He was using me; he made sure that my future was connected to his as long as it benefitted him. I was a way to easy money for him. While she read, she ate the bit of bread. After she finished, she stopped reading, but that also was because he hadn't written anymore. (F/n) peered over to him. Lee was slouching as though he had immense weight on his shoulders. His hands were clenched into fists, and she had a feeling that he was frowning.

Noting that she was staring, he met her gaze and wrote again. Sorry. It's just ... She reached over and stopped him. (F/n) smiled reassuringly and shook her head.

"I know what you're feeling. You know that. You don't have to explain yourself."

When she removed her hand from his, he nodded and wrote once more. Thank you.

"Do you need to tell me another time?" she asked, her eyes now back on the remainder of her bread so as not to pressure him. She did wish to know, however, and when she saw his next note, she had to admit that she was curious for him to write more.

No, it's fine. I'd rather just get it all out now. (F/n) waited, and a new note was in front of her soon enough. His name was Jared, and we didn't just live here. We had a business here too. He ran a bakery and café while I ran a women's clothing shop on the other side. She no longer was eating since curiosity was getting hold of her more. While we both earned our own money and used it together to further the business, I had an inheritance that I could claim. I hadn't yet, though, since I wanted to make it on my own first, like my father.

If she could see his true expression, she'd spot a soft smile on his lips at the memory of his father. He had struggled so hard to make it here. He pulled off what not even his parents thought he could. My grandparents and he didn't have a lot of money, but he managed to work his way up into the women's fashion industry. When I was four, his own fashion chain rose to success. Lee folded his hands on the table and leaned forward a bit. I admired him so much. I wanted to know what he went through first.

"Your father ... Did he ..." she trailed off, not sure if she should finish her question, but she didn't have to for him to understand. When she received a nod, she gave him a look of sympathy. With how he spoke of his father, she could only imagine how rough that must've been.

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