End to Run

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Somehow, (f/n) had managed to continue engaging in the conversation. It wasn't easy in any regard, though, and she was happy when she could take a break from talking and just sip at her Riesling. The discussion consisted of getting to know Tristan better, but that could only be so much given the conversation she had heard behind the restaurant. He talked about how he wanted to support his parents' business, some of his interior design jobs and how he wanted to settle down. No doubt it was his parents who wanted him to settle down, and he just wanted them off of his back about the matter.

As for his interests, he discussed his liking of taking walks through parks, drawing up new designs for home decorations and occasionally reading a book in a coffee shop. Perhaps, those really were his interests, but they certainly sounded stereotypical. Maybe, it was just doubt, frustration and betrayal eating away at her and giving her such thoughts, but it sounded too much like a textbook answer, especially given the pictures he had on his social media before he erased them.

But, she went along with it. Her interests were asked about, so she talked about her schooling and her passion for running the café with Anita. When she did talk about that topic, she noticed that Anita took a sip of her whiskey, and there had been a certain emotion in her optics in that moment: worry. Why would she be concerned about that topic if she wasn't hiding something? It made the pit in her stomach grow; Lee ... he really was right, wasn't he? A mannequin who had been tormenting her previously had been more truthful to her than her own best friend. Talk about a f*cked up situation, and she was at the center of it. How wonderful.

Thankfully, food arrived eventually, and Anita had the lovely idea of ordering large appetizers so that they all could share the food. Frankly, (f/n) wanted her own meal and to put it in a takeout box so that she could race home and eat in solitude. Well, there was Lee, so maybe at another place. Actually, The Iron Clipper would be ideal.

When dinner finally finished, Kaleb and Tristan paid for the food. (F/n) did thank them, but she mentally wanted to vomit at doing so. With what they said outside, she had no desire to feel any gratitude towards them. Leaving the restaurant, Anita stood close to Kaleb while Tristan stayed close to her. Part of her was tempted to push him down onto the sidewalk and march away.

"Well, we're going to go off towards the hotel," Anita mentioned, smiling to Tristan and her. She winked. "We'll see you both later."

"Just don't take too long. Your check-in time at the hotel is soon, and we still need to unload your bags," Kaleb recommended, taking Anita's hand in his. Bags? Just how long was this guy staying? (F/n) managed to keep a neutral expression, but she inwardly was freaking out. She didn't want to spend another moment with Tristan, but if he was staying and friends with Kaleb, she'd be seeing a lot more of him. Even if she told him off then and there, he'd still be around. Nearly, she groaned aloud at the awful news.

"I won't be long. I'll see you both there," Tristan answered, waving as the pair turned around and walked off. (F/n) waved to Anita and gave her a look that asked for her to come back. Anita didn't, but (f/n) was happy about that. She needed some desperate time away from them all. Once they were far enough down the street, Tristan focused on her and smiled kindly. "Thank you for the wonderful evening, (f/n)."

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