Day to Appear

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Last night hadn't been horrible, but it hadn't been pleasant either. Anita and she had watched soap opera episodes for several hours while eating various snacks such as popcorn, chocolate-covered pretzels, cheese puffs and nachos. They watched the episodes on Anita's laptop, and Anita had set it all up in her room while never mentioning the password to get into it. (F/n) hadn't even been able to see what she had been typing because Anita asked for her to go get drinks. How conveniently timed, but it didn't matter since (f/n) already knew what she was up to with Kaleb and Tristan.

The show hadn't been awful, and some moments were so dramatic that they were comedic. So, (f/n) did laugh a little, but the constant betrayal and secrets really reminded her of what was going on in her own life. (F/n), though, would be able to walk away from the whole mess that Anita started because she wanted more success and money, which she thought only Kaleb could provide her with apparently.

What made the evening long, however, was that she had to sit beside Anita and laugh with her like old times. Some of her laughs were genuine because of the show, but others were forced. She'd smile at some of the jokes Anita made and playfully roll her eyes at the teasing. It was exhausting. And, Lee just had to wait downstairs. Maybe, he moved around a little bit, but he had to keep quiet, and she imagined that he wasn't having the best of evenings either.

So when morning came along, it was welcome. (F/n) had a decent sleep, and she was excited for service to be over. It'd be the final service of the café, at least with her as manager. Admittedly, it was harder to act during service because of what was coming. But, the dinner with Kaleb and Tristan helped in the regard that she could pretend she was waiting for that, even eager for it. Anita was grinning throughout service, and the staff certainly didn't mind the happy atmosphere around the café. On that note, (f/n) was thankful too since the staff would have an enjoyable last service.

(F/n) imagined that Lee was quite joyful about the upcoming dinner too. The three of them would be gone, and it'd just be them afterwards. There would be her family, mainly her parents, but they wouldn't have to worry about them too much. Whenever they'd be over, Lee would pretend to be just a mannequin, like he did during service at the café. And, it wouldn't be as bad for Lee since it wouldn't be on a daily basis.

When it came for service to be over, (f/n) said her usual goodbyes to the staff and thanked them for their help as did Anita. She was left to finish cleaning off the tables, but she wasn't surprised when Anita jumped out of the kitchen with a bounce in her every step. "It's so close now! I'm going to make an awesome dinner for us all!"

"I know that you will," (f/n) responded with a light chuckle. But, they probably wouldn't be eating any of it. "I'm just going to finish these tables, check things online a bit for the café and then get ready."

"Good!" Anita clapped her hands together. "You got to look perfect for him!"

"I don't already?" (F/n) quirked a brow, and Anita chuckled.

"You know what I mean." She waved a hand dismissively. "More perfect." (F/n) simply hummed and kept a brow quirked before she accepted the hug that Anita gave her moments later. "Thanks again for this!" Anita squeezed her a bit before she let go and bounded off into the kitchen, but Anita wouldn't be thanking her later. That was for sure.

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