Begin to Dig

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


That had been needed. A shower to wash away all her tears. Her heart still hurt, but she didn't think that would ever change. No matter how much time passed, the feeling of Anita's betrayal would remain. But, she'd live with it. And, it was time to do something about it. If she didn't act soon, she'd only find herself in a worse situation. Tristan would talk to Anita, and she had a feeling that second outing would be in the near future.

Annoyingly, she had nothing to go on to deny that outing with them. Well, she did, but it'd ruin her plan. She needed enough evidence against Kaleb to convince Anita to call things off permanently with him. Unfortunately, she couldn't charge ahead and call them all out on their b*llsh*t. Nor, did she want to take Lee's option of just killing them. That'd only cause more problems in her opinion.

With that in mind, she'd start tonight, and she was happy to be in cozy clothing. Her grey pajamas and purple slippers gave her a sense of home that the building itself didn't bring anymore. She retrieved her laptop and charger before she headed downstairs. The light was on in the dining room by the kitchen. Strange. Lee usually went in the other dining room.

Hearing movement in the kitchen, she peeked inside, and her (e/c) eyes widened a bit. On the center counter was a bowl filled with mint cookies and cream ice cream. There was whipped cream and chocolate fudge sauce on top. Lee was just grabbing a spoon when she looked into the room. As he set the spoon in the bowl, his eyes drifted over to her, and he stepped aside. "You made me a bowl of ice cream?" He crossed arms as though that was obvious enough. She raised a brow. "You didn't make dessert?"

Placing down the laptop, she caught a paper airplane soon after. I'm not that good. Besides, I saw the ice cream and figured that you liked the flavor unless it's not yours. She shook her head before she found herself chuckling a little. Never had she expected him to do such a thing for her. This whole night was one crazy ride that was hard to believe, yet it all had been real. Lee behaving like this was real.

"Are you always this nice when you're not tormenting someone?" she asked, walking around the counter and towards the bowl. Out of instinct, she was about to go to the opposite side of the counter. Instead, she walked over to where he was. They had agreed to trust each other, and she required that for her plan.

I did work in customer service for quite some time. Almost, she made a remark, but she read the next part of the note. But, it's more than that. Curious, she looked up and over to him. He handed her another note. We've both gone through the same thing. We have a strong bond that connects us, and you've ... Well, you've earned my respect, and I'm actually looking forward to working with you.

"Surprised?" she asked, moving the bowl over to herself. Before he could answer, she brought the spoon up to her lips. "I know that I am." She took the bite and smiled a little. It did help. (F/n) placed the spoon back in the bowl. "It's weird being this ... comfortable around you? Maybe, I'm not entirely yet, but we're trusting each other now, so I guess that I'm adapting."

You do look less nervous. He leaned back against the other counter as she read. But, my games with you are over. I promised you that. No more threats against you. Just the goal of stopping Anita, Kaleb and Tristan.

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