Movie to Enjoy

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Perfect. Everything fit him well. Normally, he'd have to have pants taken up a bit around the legs since they usually would've been too long on him. In the mannequin, though, he was several inches taller than he had been when he had been alive. He even checked a mirror in the downstairs bathroom, and he was happy to see that he still could pick out stylish outfits for himself even though his appearance had changed some. If only he didn't have cracks in his face and have a fading hair color. At some point, he'd have to repaint his head as odd as that sounded. Thankfully, (f/n) didn't seem to mind those features. Or at least, she was polite enough not to comment on them.

Ready, though, he left the restroom and headed upstairs. Her room door was open, and he could hear her typing away inside the bedroom. Shaking his head, he walked over. His creaking gave him away, but before she could close what she was viewing, he took the laptop from her. Lee looked to her, but his mannequin face couldn't show his brow raising.

"What?" she asked, breaking eye contact. "You were taking awhile. I needed to do something while I waited," she remarked as her eyes rolled a bit. He set her laptop back down, not surprised that she'd continue searching. Lee just wished that she hadn't; he could see the evident frustration in her (e/c) eyes again. At least, she had listened to a degree and had pulled her covers over her and looked quite comfortable on her bed.

Slowly, she returned her gaze to him, but she didn't say anything for a moment. Instead, she simply stared, just registering the new clothes on him since her mind had been focused on the taken laptop beforehand. Admittedly, the subtle beige mixed with the bright, obvious orange did work well together and complement his black hair and dark brown eyes. He looked like one of those mannequins one would see in the high-end designer clothing stores even with the cracks and faded hair color. She nodded in approval. "You look nice. Is this how you dressed before?"

It was a test, and he knew that. A slight chuckle left him, but he was happy that she thought he looked nice. If she was lying, he would've been able to tell. Perhaps. A sigh parted from her.

"Fair enough." She moved the laptop over to her lap. "But as much as I like those shoes on you, can you take them off before sitting on my bed?"

I can. I just wanted to show you how they looked with everything. A small smile touched her lips, and she shook her head a little as he untied them and set them on the floor. He joined her on the bed moments later and leaned his back against the headboard.

"Don't tell me that you got dressed up this evening also to get my approval?" she asked with a teasing smile. Yes, his other reasons made sense, but she was curious if that was one of his motives too.

And if it was? What would you do?

"Hmm," she hummed out and switched to the movie-viewing site. "I guess say, 'Thank you.'" She shrugged. "But, you're making me feel underdressed. I'm in my pajamas, and you're in a suit."

True. But, you look nice in your pajamas too. I like seeing you comfortable around me.

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