Preparation to Meet

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop. 


After the phone incident with Lee, things the next day had been surprisingly not too bad. Anita thankfully believed her story about her phone. She had explained that she had been looking into getting a new order of body wash after her shower, slipped, landed on her bottom and the phone had gone in the toilet. It was reasonable since she did bring her phone into the bathroom sometimes, and tile was slippery with wet feet. As for the bruises, they were accounted for by the slip.

Whenever she entered the kitchen, she forced herself not to glance in Lee's direction, especially when she was talking to Anita. She needed to concentrate on her work and not on his theory of her best friend abandoning her in some unknown fashion. Scarlett and Hal had been nice enough to give her get better wishes since she was undoubtedly sore along her arms and legs. They had heard about the phone and had even disclosed some of their phone-dropping horror stories. Their use of the word 'horror' certainly fit the description of what really had happened last night. Naturally, she didn't mention that to them.

There also was the matter of Lee having cooked for her the prior night. Anita hadn't even commented on that in the morning or during service. Even after service had ended, she hadn't remarked about it, except to say that she was glad to see (f/n) trying some things out, especially since she wasn't staying around for dinner anymore.

That night, Anita had left as usual, and Lee was ... calmer than usual? That might not have been even the right word to use. She wasn't exactly certain, but he barely wrote any notes. He did make dinner for her again, and it was the same dish as before. This time, she didn't complain about him making her food too much since she didn't want to piss him off after last night. After dinner, however, he grabbed her laptop and headed into the other dining. From what she could tell, he was looking at more clothes. (F/n) was tempted to say that she wasn't going to buy him another outfit, but she held her tongue and left him be.

Perhaps, he was giving her a break from his antics after the previous night. Or, he might be ... planning something. She'd like to think that it was the first option, but she still defended her room as usual with the lock and nightstand. Much to her surprise and relief, he hadn't woke her up that night. In the morning, the nightstand was gone and back in place. Her laptop was put away too.

With such a peaceful evening, it quickly was ruined when she remembered what was happening that night. It was Tuesday. That meant that she'd be going to dinner with Anita, Kaleb and Tristan. She really didn't want a double date. Rather, she'd just go to The Iron Clipper with Anita and have a girls' night out. Couldn't Kaleb just leave? Didn't he have an investment company to help his parents' with?

As if simple memory of the future event wasn't enough, Anita was practically buzzing around the café the whole day. Scarlett no doubt noticed as did the waiting staff. And, she was thankful that she couldn't see Lee's expression, whatever it might be. Unfortunately, the news of the double date traveled around among the staff, and she was asked questions from Scarlett and Cassidy. Hal gave her a look of pity, and she wondered if he had to suffer a double date in his past. Blaise only gave her words of encouragement that it'd go well. She certainly hoped so.

For a brief moment, another thought passed through her head. It'd definitely ruin the date. Along with Anita and her, she could bring Lee, stating that he was a friend. That would have to creep Tristan out. Not to mention make the whole date uncomfortable. Anita, though, wouldn't allow such a thing, and she'd get teased from Anita constantly afterwards. Not to mention that Lee might be pissed and/or interrogate her after Anita left for the night. He might even attack her for all she knew despite him being the one who claimed Tristan to be some part of Anita's plan in betraying her.

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