Kiss to Snap

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Doorknob turning steadily, (f/n) eventually stepped into the building. Her lips felt numb, and her mind didn't want to remember what just happened. Unfortunately, it kept recalling the horrid incident. She closed the door slowly behind her and barely registered that Lee was standing close. No longer was he in his position from before. Instead, he decreased the distance between them even more and rested a hand on her right shoulder. He gave it a gentle squeeze, but she didn't register the action too much. Rather, she shrugged his hand off and headed for the kitchen.

Lee had multiple things to tell her. None of them pleasant, and he hated that he needed to pressure her into something that was for her own good. He imagined that she might put up resistance to the idea, but even though they had a little less than two months, time felt like it was running out quicker. Following behind her, he soon entered the kitchen with her and watched her head over to the sink. Her hands gripped the side, and she hung her head down like she was going to vomit.

It was easy to see that she was shaking. She leaned closer to the sink and didn't vomit, but she did spit. (F/n) turned on the water and rinsed it out, but her hand nearly slipped off of the faucet when she shut off the water. Gradually, she lowered her head onto her forearms. Approaching her, he rested a hand on her left shoulder and used his other one to rub soothing circles into her back. He wished that he could speak, but none of his words came out. How frustrating.

Eventually, she looked up, and he withdrew his hands, letting her turn around to face him. Based on how she was acting, he expected her to walk past him, but she walked right into him. Lee bumped into the counter behind him, but his hands fell onto her waist and held her to him as she wrapped her arms around him. "... It was terrible," she finally muttered as her fingers gripped at his beige jacket. "... Did you see? ... What he did?"

When his hands held her tighter, she knew his answer and peered up to him. As usual, his expression was neutral, but he stared ahead as though he was witnessing the kiss again. If she could see his true expression, she'd catch sight of a heavy frown and anger in his eyes. Lee didn't write a response. He let go of her and grabbed a paper towel before he wet it and returned to her. Without even asking, he tilted her chin up and wiped the towel against her lips. (F/n) didn't protest.

Withdrawing the towel, Lee tossed it to the side for the moment. His eyes lingered on her lips for a moment longer before he wrote a note. Did he do anything else? Dark brown optics met (e/c) ones.

"Yeah." She broke her gaze with his and didn't mind that he continued to stand in front of her. Her eyes fell onto her hands. "He held them again. It's happening more. I thought that was all that would happen, but then he ..." A grimace touched her countenance. "... Well that." Without another word, he grabbed her right hand and guided her out of the kitchen. At first, she almost tripped from the sudden movement. "Wait, Lee!" she called out before she gained better footing. "Where are we going?"

To her question, he pointed to the stairs once they could see them. He only paused in his movements once they reached the bottom of them. You probably want to wash off, right? Lee knew that he wished for her to.

"I ... Yeah." She smiled a bit. "Thanks." Another smile touched her lips. "And for earlier. I should've wiped my lips sooner." He simply nodded before he guided her up the steps. (F/n) did note that his grip on her was tighter than before, but it wasn't uncomfortable. It did make her wonder if he was growing to care for her more, though, and her thoughts from before on the matter entered her mind. There remained so many questions that she still didn't know how she'd respond if he told her that he had feelings for her.

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