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༄ chapter forty five

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chapter forty five


REALLY, the moment they boarded their ship for New Vulcan, Vera began to panic. Though under completely different circumstances, her last trip to Vulcan, while memorable, was not the most beneficial, either to her character or to her physical wellbeing. There was a ticking in the back of her head, a time bomb waiting to go off the second something went awry, just as she expected it to. Even worse, without Kit - her, in a way 'lucky charm' - with her, she was just as lost as she had been before their reuniting less than a day ago.

That being said, there was a certain warmness that flooded through the mechanic as she saw the Half-Human Nath bounding around the ship in excitement, ecstatic to see his home planet again, even if it would never be the same as it was a year and a half ago. 

Her mood was lightened by the wholesome fever her new son had in referral to their upcoming trip, but it was quickly dampened by Spock hovering over her like a helicopter. For some reason or another, her partner was beyond concerned for Vera, not because of the past scarring incident among Vulcans, but because of the potential embarrassment that may overcome their small family due to the Human woman's behavior. She, despite being trained in the culture of the Vulcan people, was more than likely to fuck something up, and that thought put Spock on edge.

It wasn't Vera fault, of course, he reasoned to himself. Having lived amongst Humans since he was seventeen, and growing up with his late Human mother, he understood that they didn't mean to be ignorant to Vulcan ways. Simply put, Human's weren't made to understand other cultures. Individualistic as they tried to avoid being, Humans would always cave to their self-centered ways. As much as he tried to deny the fact that Vera was like the other Humans he had encountered, at the end of the day, Spock knew she was still herself: hot-headed as ever with the kind of know-it-all attitude to make a Vulcan council faint. 

Vera, on the other hand, didn't understand Spock's concern. Had she not lived among Vulcans once before? Was she not related to Nath, a Half-Vulcan himself? Had she not been living peacefully with both Spock and Nath the past month with no issue? Spock knew that he and Vera's new son were far different to other full-blooded Vulcans, but Vera couldn't seem to understand the simple fact that she might not know everything there was to know about their people just from living with what was, essentially, only a half a Vulcan at a time. 

"I just don't understand why you're treating me like a child, Spock," Vera argued at the two walked from their quarters to the bridge, hoping for nothing but good news from their travel Captain. 

The Vulcan shook his head, trying to explain his viewpoint to her without seeming arrogant which, in reality, he knew he was already being, "If it was any other Human, Vera, you must know that I would be far harsher than I am to you. I just do not want to risk any incidents of embarrassment is all." 

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