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༄ chapter forty six

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chapter forty six


"SO, it's all true, then? There truly are timelines other than our own?" Vera asked. 

With Nath under Sarek's care, the two Spock's and Vera had headed to a Vulcan-renowned restaurants for dinner and a discussion. Immediately, Vera jumped head-first into a conversation about the timelines. Spock Prime had no qualms about the idea, but Spock found it a bit redundant. He'd already told her everything about the timeline she needed to know. She didn't need to be weighed down by the knowledge he and his other self carried. Vera was already stressed as it was, what with the new design for the USS Enterprise taking up all her time on Earth and the very real possibility of not being allowed custody of Nath on Vulcan soil invading her vacation to the planet. It would only cause more problems to tell her the full truth as well. 

"I would not have told you such unless I was speaking what I believed to be the truth," Spock reminded her gently, trying not to set her off. She had forgiven him for their earlier fight and apologized as well, but that didn't mean she still wasn't volatile, especially as she hadn't eaten anything in hours and was likely hungry, which was bound to make her irritable.

"Shut up, Spock," she snapped, making even herself flinch with the hardness, "I wasn't asking you --  I was merely reiterating the idea." Then, she looked away, muttering under her breath, "Dumbass." 

"You are still upset with me," Spock assessed, even though he already knew the answer.

"Thank you for noticing." 

"It was my impression that you had forgiven me for my behavior aboard the travel vessel." 

Instead of responding straight away, she pointed to her bare neck, where a piece of importantly jewelry had laid not even a day earlier, before their fight had ceased, "Yeah, that was until I remembered you took back that necklace you gave me. Taking back gifts is never good, Spock, even if you are mad at someone." The necklace had been Spock's mother, and seeing how important it was to him made it important to her. She may have never met Amanda Grayson, but wearing the necklace made her feel as though she had, and gave her a sense of belonging when it came to Spock.

He sighed, trying to explain his reason to taking the necklace without making her more mad, "My intention was not to permanently repossess the necklace; I simply had thoughts to get it professionally cleaned while on New Vulcan so that it would be of your standards when you wore it again." 

"Really?" Vera asked, her eyes in slits as she narrowed them judgingly at him.

As always, Spock responded with the phrase that usually got him out of quarrels with her, "Vulcans do not lie." 

With a huff, Vera looked away, devouring another of the Vulcan appetizers on the table, "Alright, fine, I'm not mad at you." 

"Thank you." He was just grateful to have the fight with Vera over, even if he knew another one would surely pop up soon. Spock appreciated every aspect of Vera -- really, he did -- but there were times when her need to constantly argue got to him. He knew it was what he signed up for when they began dating, but it was tiring nonetheless. Really, he had no idea how Kit was able to tolerate her unneeded meanness for this many years without breaking down. 

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