⤷ thirty

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༄ chapter thirty

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chapter thirty


"THIS isn't going to work," Kirk chimed in a pessimistic tone. The rest of the small crew of the shuttle watched on in anticipation, worry, and horror as Uhura exited the ship, her stance powerful as she ventured towards the Klingon patrol, seemingly without fear.

Vera sighed, trying to stay as positive as possible, for Kit's sake, as she watched her friend walk directly into danger, "Shut the hell up, Kirk, let it pan out." Her stance was hunched and defeated, and Vera found herself practically climbing over Spock to get a better look at Uhura and guarantee her safety, even if Spock tried time and time again to push her away, remarking quietly that he didn't want her to see anything if it got violent.

"Pan out? What kind of pan out? I mean, the only way this will end is in an all out battle or Nyota's death! It was the stupidest possible decision you could have made, Kirk, to just let her leave like that. What if she-"

Spock cut Kit's crazed ramblings off as Vera finally abided to the Vulcan's wishes by venturing towards Kit and wrapping her arms around his waist from behind, straining to watch over his shoulder as Spock and Kirk crowded the window: "It is our only logical option. And if you interrupt her now, you will not only incur the wrath of the Klingons, but that of Lieutenant Uhura as well, something I doubt you would wish upon yourself, given the state of your relationship."

Kit scoffed at his comment, looking behind him towards Vera, who shrugged, "He does have a point, as always."

"Thank you, Vera," Spock commented, not bothering to turn around and approve of her defense of him, though Vera still chose to simply nod in his direction as Kit rolled his eyes, the slightest grin ghosting his pale features. 

Directly after that, Vera witnessed Kirk roughly slam his palm down on Spock's shoulder, a sly grin on the Captain's face, pushing him closer to the window, the latter glaring harshly at the man before returning to his previous position. 

Meanwhile, Kit and Vera remained blissfully ignorant to what was happening to Uhura outside the ships, tensions high as Vera, who was still pressed against Kit's back, felt his heartbeat quicken and heard his breathing growing more shallow and rapid. She attempted to calm him by taking his hand, but it seemed to do nothing as Vera desperately held him from rushing out into the Klingon home world to rescue his love from certain danger.

After what seemed to be an eternity of nervous waiting and high tensions, Kirk spoke up, breaking the thick silence that prevailed in the small shuttle, "Here." He turned to Kit and Vera, handing them each hand phasers. Vera looked at hers with distaste, knowing that any amount of fighting that happened she was completely unqualified for. 

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