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༄ chapter fifty

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chapter fifty


VERA was still passed out when Kirk and McCoy arrived on New Vulcan a day later. Spock hadn't taken her to hospital for fear of having to explain the situation to a Vulcan doctor, one who couldn't understand the emotional turmoil of anger like a Human could. Of course, there was no doctor in the universe, Human or otherwise, who could fully embody the rage and lunacy of Vera's condition, but McCoy was as good as anyone. 

"Vera!" Kirk was the first to spot his friend and Second in Command when he and the doctor entered the hotel room. McCoy, meanwhile, had been heaving a large medical pack behind him, and had his priorities set on placing the delicate materials on the desk before he dropped it. 

Kirk ran to Vera's side, pushing a fidgeting Spock aside to clasp her hand. The back of his fingers traced down her cheek, landing under her nostrils to check for the sign she was alive.  When he felt the familiar breathing pattern on his knuckle, he removed his hand, but stayed attached to her side. 

McCoy stayed back, observing the unconscious mechanic quietly. Vera Crynn had never been weak. In all the time he knew her, he only heard of her passing out twice: the first day on the USS Enterprise, which he hadn't even witnessed, and this situation, which wasn't exactly a voluntary event. Not that passing out tended to be voluntary, but certainly less-so when it was at the hand of a sedative. 

Immediate, he pulled out his tools and got to doing what he did best: a routine check-up. He checked her ears, eyes, throat, breathing, heart rate - anything he could think of that might be off. All was normal. The next thing he could think to order was a blood test. Unfortunately, due to a lack of hospital environment, he couldn't order lab work until they returned to Earth. However, Vera being passed out suddenly became amazingly convenient. Even when she was sick on Earth once, she had refused a blood test, and he'd never quite been able to find out what was wrong. Now, he had the chance to get blood without having to strap her down to the bed like a lunatic. 

The sedative wore off at the worst possible time, though, as Vera began to stir shortly after she felt a prick in her inner elbow. She groggily moved about, tossing her head from side to side as she strained her neck to lift her up. She was unable to, and required a concerned Kirk and regretful Spock positioning her on a stack of pillows to be at an ideal place. She caught the back-end of McCoy placing what seemed to be a vial of blood in a freezing chamber in his bag and looked down to see her right inner elbow was bandaged. 

"You took my blood?" her voice felt soppy and foreign, almost like static. ever word she said had a metallicness to it, like there was a robot repeating her words back to her. 

McCoy turned around innocently and shrugged. Meanwhile, Kirk was sat beside her, her hand in his as he stroked her knuckles. Spock, ever the logical one of the quartet, immediately jumped into questioning once discovering she was alright, "Vera, what is the last thing you remember before you were sedated?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2023 ⏰

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