⤷ fourteen

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༄ chapter fourteen

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༄ chapter fourteen


VERA was livid. Ever since the moment Kirk was ejected from the ship, thrust into the hellish unknown of Delta Vega, it seemed she had become the center of attention, despite just wanting to be alone. She wanted time to sit on all that had happened to her on the USS Enterprise, the pure amount of shock and emotion she had experienced well outweighing her emotional capacity, which she herself often likened to that of a teaspoon. Vera had never taken surprise well, despite her consistent need to have something different in her life. 

Of course, in her former life (on the run with Kit), she had gone on dangerous missions on her own accord, taken time to sort out her option, and then gone ahead and acted irrationally anyway, as she was often known to do. Now, on the Enterprise, Vera had been given the position of Lieutenant Commander, a position she and, by extension, Chris, knew she had no business being in. She may have been qualified, but Vera was not a leader, nor was she a follower, but a person who did what she wanted when she wanted, and the Enterprise just surprised her time and time again with her lack of options. 

First, it was Kit, who seemingly wanted to further discuss the barrier between what their life was then, versus what it was aboard the Enterprise. Then, it was McCoy, who had been looking suspiciously between Vera and Spock ever since he had brushed off any annoyance she may have caused him after Kirk pointed it out. 

Minutes after Vera rejected a conversation with McCoy, Uhura had come up to her with good judgement, wanting to rekindle their old friendship and, as much as it pained her to do so, Vera still found herself politely pushing it off. After that, Spock had tried to talk to her, though she had no idea why, but he eventually settled for a quick conversation with Darcy and her international relations specialization before going off to speak with Sarek. 

Then, of all the people on that god-forsaken ship, there came Cassius Lemuria, trying to create some semblance of a conversation with the daughter he had seen fit to abandon in favor of a woman with no emotion and a planet so barren of anything interesting or fun Vera would've preferred to live in a desert than Vulcan again. 

"Go away, Cassius," Vera said harshly, her words cutting deep into her father's psyche as she tried to rush off into yet another crowd of Ensigns, seemingly heading for the empty stairwell, before Cassius had grabbed her by the shoulder. 

Cassius Lemuria, in Vera's eyes, was nothing more than a traitor. Ironic since that was the only thing she'd been called since she returned from her cowardice abroad. He had been the man to promise nothing but good blessings from him to her, the man who had sworn to protect her above all, the man who made promises...but they were all promises he couldn't keep. 

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