#7 Carlos - Christmas Party

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IZZY POV.: If 2022 couldn't be more crazy, in late November got an unexpected invitation to "Christmas party" hosted by friend from University, Annabell. But what shocked me the most was, who was the co-host... Marco Fucking Fernández of all people!?!
Anna insisted that I really need to attend this gathering, because of my position of a "president" for my class at Uni...
Since the second I found out, I knew that I won't be able to survive the party alone..
-What I'm supposed to do Mia?- I asked my friend, who was also going to be there.
-I don't know mija... Maybe take a friend?- she suggested and added, seeing my unsure expression -As your date obviously!
-And who would that be in your opinion?!- I joked, seeing that idea as ridiculous.
-I don't know! Someone Marco might think of as your partner, so he'll leave you alone..?!
-I don't know Mia...?! Isn't it a bit too much?
-Do what you want, I'm just trying to help- she replied with small smile.
-I know- I agreed with her, nodding to myself.
After that we changed the topic and talked about everything else than that. We still had couple of weeks until the party...

Weeks have passed, and before I knew it, I had 1.5 weeks to that day. And still no solution how to solve my "Marco problem"...
-What's the matter?
-Hm?- I looked at Carlos, confused.
-You're spacing out again. What's wrong?- he asked again, looking at me with fond expression.
-Remember the Christmas party I told you about?
-That one from your uni?
-The same one...
-What's wrong with it?
-Marco is gonna be there...
-THE Marco?!
-Exactly..- I sighed, feeling lost -I don't wanna go there, because he's gonna be there, but at the other hand I know I should be there to show them all that the past is the past and its not affecting me anymore, as I moved on...- I explained, seeing only understanding and patience in his gorgeous eyes -I don't know what I should do..?
-You should have someone there for you. To help you when Marco will try to talk to you..!
-I know. But I also don't want to bother anybody...
-You won't bother me.
-What do you mean?
-I'm saying that I will go there with you if you let me. For support, you know?
-You really would do that?!
-Si. Todo para mi cara amiga- he replied, making me smile.
-Gracias Carlito..
-De nada Mariposita..- he gave me a strong hug, using the playfull nickname he came up with a few years ago, making my heart flip in my chest. After that I thought, that maybe, the party won't be so bad after all?!

When the "day 0" came, me and Carlos agreed that he'll pick me up and drive us there. After all, we're going there together, as a "couple".
At first we thought that going there as friends would work just fine, but then I realised that for Marco it wouldn't. He'd still hit on me until I tell him I have somebody. Besides, he would almost die in envy when I tell him I'm with somebody like Carlos. After all, when he broke up with me he said that I'd never find a man who loves me because I'm not good enough. I cannot wait to prove him wrong... To some extent, but still prove him wrong...
-Hi- I greeted my friend when I opened the door and our gazes locked.
-Hi. You look... Hermoso..- I easily saw the starstruck expression on his face.
-Gracias- I don't know why, but his comment made me blush. I think I'm still a bit self-conscious about how I look after my ex...?! -You look not bad yourself..- the suit made him even more handsome than usual -Give me a second, I'm just gonna grab my jacket and purse and we can go..- I excused myself and let Carlos enter my home. The long ferrari red dress I wore had deep neckline and opened back, but also high slit reaching up to 3/4 of my thing. Silver heels and jewellery was a hit, along with my curls brushed down and loose. I thought I look good, but after Carlos said that, I knew we're gonna be fine...
I did as I said, and Carlos, like a forever gentleman he is, helped me put on my jacket and then we left, after I locked the door.
-Don't be nervous. I'm here and everything is gonna be fine- he assured me when we got to his car and squeezed my hand.
-Yo lo sé. Gracias- I replied, showing him a hessistant smile.

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