#66 Checo - "Un"fortunate events

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SERGIO POV.: This week we're racing in Imola, Italy, for 6th race of the 2023 season. The team is estatic with how fast we are and the results (at least one of us, Max or me, is on the podium). So far, it's been a plesant season, and I'm currently running 2nd in the Championship, behind Max.

As usual, Wednesday was mostly for us alone, and from Thursday everything went on full speed, just like any other race weekend. Media day and meeting with all the fans was yesterday, while today we have free practises to get used to the track, before quali tomorrow, so it's time for me to put my head in the game and deliver on the track.
Wednesday was really fun. Me and Marisol spend some time alone from the spotlight of camaras, laughing and joking around. I think I would be blind if I didn't see how perfect she is... It still suprise me that she's single and apart from her job and family, we mostly hang out together.. In my opinion girl like her should have many men intrested in her, but I see none...
Suddenly, I was brough back to reality from my thoughts, by loud knock on the door to my hotel room. Ready to go, I put my cap on and walked to them, to see who it is. Even tho I already knew the answer to that...
I opened the door and for instance met that shining glance from the one and only, my perfect PR officer.
-Hola Checo! Ready for today?- she asked me kindly, with this bright smile of hers, which always makes me smile back. I swear, her smile and positive attitude never fails to brighten my day, even the worst one...!
-Hola Sol- I replied and smiled myself -Yeah, I just need to grab few things...- I agreed, took what I needed and stepped out of my room, to lock it behind me.
-What do we do today?- I asked her, per usual.
-Apart from FP1 & 2, we have regular post-session interviews and 2 meetings with sponsors. If everything goes as planed, we'll be off by 8 pm...- she said, checking some notes on her phone.
-That's good- I commented, matching the speed of my walk with hers in habit.
-Yeah, not much thankfully...- she agreed and we chuckled at the same time. Even though I was looking in front of me, I couldn't help myself not to shoot quick glances in her direction every few minutes. I know her for so long (ever since Sahara Force India) that her not being there is weirder than the oposite. Considering that I've seen her in different colors, just like myself and I have to say that Red Bull gear suits her, reflecting in her dark eyes and black hair. She's just perfect!
'And you love her!'- told me this annoying voice in my head, but I quickly ignored it, focused on our little conversation.
As usual, without even thinking, we took our meals and coffees, cappuccino for her and espresso for me. I really enjoy every minute I spent with her, it feels so much like home...
After the breakfast, at which we were joined by Xavi, we stood up and went to the track. It's racing time...

After some usual interviews and preperations, around 1:30 pm we started FP1. I was happy about how car was behaving and the pace was also good. It brought wide smile on my face and I wan't hiding it. Also the weather was nice, what was next plus....
Before I knew it, the FP1 was over and I drove the car to the pit lane, to roll it into garage. As boys did it, I jumped out of the car.
-How was it?- I asked them, taking my helmet and balaclava off.
-It was good. Very good- said Jake with smile.
-You got P2, right behind Max, with Alonso and both Ferarris behind- said very familiar voice behind me, which surely didn't belong to my engineer and then I felt light squeeze on my right shoulder. I looked that way and saw smiling Marisol -Good job!
-Thanks- I smiled back. My humor was good and spirits in the team were high, so everything was going in good way -Now what?
-Lunch, of course!- she replied and whole team laughed.
-See y'a guys later!- I said and we left the garage, to go to the hospitality for lunch. Of course, we're talking about the car, and next interviews I'm gonna do later. As usual, we talked, laughed and even joked, very happy about this weekend. Race in Imola was looking really nice and promising and we counted on that...
We ate light but good lunch in our hospitality and then make walk through the pit lane, to reach garages again, as time for second free practise was nearing, and I still needed to do quick briefing with Adam and the guys, and I probably will be also cornered by Christian for few words. Boss likes to check if everything is alright...
-I hope next session will be as good, as this one...- I told Sol, looking at her.
-Yeah, me too...- she agreed and said -I heard that boys want you to try long runs now...
-It makes sense- I agreed, as we're focusing on "one lap" things more in the morning.
-If you say so...?!- she sighed and we laughed a little, and entered the garage in that state.
-Checo, get ready mate. It's almost time...!- Adam told me, coming to us.
-Ok- I agreed and reached for my balaclava and helmet, still talking with Sol. I wasn't really focused on the practise yet, cuz' I wanted to relax first. I would be tense enough during that session....
Before we knew it, second free practise began and I jumped into the car. Next, when I was aloved, I drove off, to check how we look on long runs here, with slightly diferent conditions than few hours ago. At that moment I didn't think something like that can happen, what happened later...

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