#46 Checo - Work trouble

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MARISOL POV: It's been 2 years since Sergio and I have been working for Red Bull Racing F1 Team, and now we began a 3rd season almost a month ago. But it's not the time we know each other... We've been working together for almost 6 years, even before Racing Point, when the team was called Sahara Force India. It's nice work, I cannot say otherwise. Checo is really fun to work with, and rarely gets into any media-trouble, making my life really easy.
But ever since last season, it began to be more complicated than before.... We worked up the courage to tell one another how we feel, and turns out that the feelings are mutual... But there is also a "dark side" of it... I see how I'm getting more and more subjective, and not honest with my work. Everything for Sergio...
When we got together it was before Brazil, so only 2 races left. It was easy to work with that, just like the PR work we did during the winterbreak. But now, almost a month into new season, it's begining to be hard... Sneaking around, almost blowing off the media comitments to steal a few minutes alone, not being true to our bosses... And the list goes on and on, weightning on my shoulders like nothing else. I also begin to think, is it really worth all the fuss?! We had at least 5 close calls to somebody finding out about us, Xavi included. I want at least SOMEBODY to know and cover for us if needed, but I also know that we can't. If we tell someone, it's matter of days that Christian and Helmut will find out. And we cannot risk that...

Right now, we're in Melbourne, Australia for 3rd race of the season. Weather is rather warm, as usual, and sun is shining brightly, before the free practises. I'm kinda nervous, as we saw that both Ferrari and Mercedes can be competing for the title this year, trying to take it from us and Max. But also Checo's pace is more "front-row constant" so far, and that makes me happy. I just want him to be happy...
We still have almost 2 hours before the FP1, so I'm trying to occupy myself somehow, while Checo has last brieffing before the session with his team. Longer I think about it, I'm certain that we need to end this, whatever it is between us, for the sake of our jobs. I cannot risk his career and maybe possible title with Red Bull if we continue to see each other as something more than friends and co-workers... I know I shouldn't do it this weekend, to not affect his performance, but also if I won't do it now, I think I wouldn't be able to talk myself into it ever again. And I should do that...
-Earth to Sol? Where are you?- more than familiar voice brough me back to reality, as we stood on top of the deserted for now, Red Bull Energy Station.
-Checo!- I forced a smile onto my face -Done with the briefing?
-For now, yes. What were you doing?
-Just thinking...
-About what?
-About us...- I decided to quit beating around the bush and just talk about it.
-Why? What's wrong?- he really looked confused, which I always find adorble.
-I think we should break up...- I said, before I chickened out. AGAIN...
-QUE?! Por que?!
-Sergio... Think about your career... You don't need distractions, not now!- I tried to reason with him.
-Don't tell me about distractions! Just tell me what this is about, not hide behind my job! I almost lost it once, and I can loose it again if they won't re-new my constract. But I cannot lose you...
-But don't you see that the longer we're together, there is more risk of the team finding out!? We both can loose our jobs if they do! I cannot bare the thought that you're not in it for 110% because I keep distracting you!
-You aren't distracting me, Sol! The contrary even!- we were shouting by this point, as he put his hands on my shoulders -I need you by my side to do better! For you to be proud of me!
-I AM! I always am! But I can't...
-Stop it! Stop it right there! Te amo! And I won't let you break us up! That's not only your decision to make! We're together, so it's OURS!
-Te amo tambien! But your...
-I don't care about my career, if it means I'll lose you! Don't you get it by now?!
-Believe me, I do! But you need to understand too, that I began to think that I cannot be honest in my work and be with you at the same time!
-We don't have to break up, to be honest and our true selves to work! We can be professional during race weekends! I'm sure of it!
-You don't get it!
-Believe me, I do!- he quoted me, and I clearly could see how angry he is -I love you! And if you want us to break up to work, you can be sure that I won't extend my contract with Red Bull! Because you want me to silence my feelings for you and I no longer can do that!
-News flash! I can't either! But we need to do that to be better!
-You want us to erase the last 5 months together, and I won't! I can't be your friend anymore, Marisol Andrea Garcia-Ruiz! You have me like that, or you don't have me at all!- I don't even know when we switched to Spanish, but we did, and our argument looked even more violent than it really was. But something struck to me... Checo won't give in.. He won't agree, no matter how long I'll try to explain my point to him, he won't listen...
-Don't do that Sergio...
-No. You don't do that! Don't make us go through heartbreak and misery, when we want to work this out..- he said and held my head gently in his palms, swiping at my wet cheeks from tears I didn't knew were falling. Instead of replying, I just tried to swallow the big lump I sudenlly had in my throat. Checo didn't say anything either, just rested his forehead against mine. We just stayed like that for some time, breathing each other in, and soaking the others close presence.
-I love you too much to let you go....
-Then don't...- I gave up, finally relasing that THIS is what is more than worth fighting for. Not our careers that we can loose at any given moment, but THIS, what we have between us.. The pure and honest love and admiration we have for one another...
When he heard my responce, Checo smiled and then kissed me softly but urgently, as if still trying to show me what I want to throw away. But I won't do that... Never again...

A bit angst, but with Happy End...
I hope everything is going alright in your lives...
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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