#17 Mick - School trouble

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This time, I decided to write something from the kids perspective.
In this OS Mick won't be present, nor Maddie, so if you don't want to read that, just skip this chapter.
If you're one of those who stayed,

MIA SCHUMACHER POV: Ever since I remember, there were 4 of us... William, Liam, Bindi and Me... Every single one of us different than the other... I simply have no idea how we survived together all those years and haven't killed each other, but we did it somehow?!

Will is the oldest... He's only a year older than me, so we're almost like twins.. He's into sports, Formula One in particular, which isn't a huge surprice, considering what almost all the male part of our family does..?! We have a lot mutual friends, and some others are seperate. Another proof that we're really close.
I'm next, but please, save me from saying anything about myself!? The only thing you need to know is, I went to school a year ealier, to share classes with Will. It was easier for mum, as for most part, she's working or helping Grandma and Grandpa...
The twins are next, Liam and Bindi... They're like fire and ice... Polar oposites, i literary have no idea how to describe them differently?! Liam also loves sports and hates studying, while Bindi is all about books and knowledge, avoiding PE at all cost...
Ok! Enough with the introduction! Let's go back to what happened a few weeks ago...

I was standing with my friends and chatting about everything and nothing in particular, something about our other classmates too, when suddenly, my phone rang. Surprised, I took it out of my pocket and looked at the lock screen.
-Who's that?- my friends asked.
-School...- I said, and then picked up:
(O- Office, M- Mia)
M: Halo?
O: Good morning! Did I reached Mia Schumacher?
M: Yes, speaking- I agreed and continued -Something happened, that you're calling me?- I had the worst feeling in my gut....
O: Sadly, yes. Liam, your little brother...
M: What this little shit did this time?- I mumbled to myself, a bit embarassed. He's 10, and acts worse that kindergardener!
O: He got into a fight with one of his classmates... I cannot reach your parents, so I'm calling you instead. We have to solve this issue somehow...
M: Of course, I understand. I'll be there in half an hour tops- I told the secretary with deep sigh -I understand that I must head to principals office?
O: No. The director is in a meeting, so we'd like to meet you in the teachers room...
M: I'll be there.
O: Good. See you soon then!
M: Good bye- I greeted her and cancelled the call with deep sigh.
All the girls were looking at me in ancipation.
-And? What it is about?- Aria asked me, for all of them.
-Liam got into a fight with someone again..- I said, instantly in sour mood, not having any streangh for this kid -Both my parents are away, Mum at Grandmas until tomorrow evening and Dad already flew to another race weekend, so they won't be able to do anything. I have to solve this mess alone, with Will..!
-That's bad- Mari and Klara commented.
-He'll over-do it someday! Just like my Theo- Klara said with deep sigh, crossing her arms over her chest and puffing out her darkpink painted lips in nervous manner.
-Or my Anna- Aria added. Both of them know really well how is it, because they themselfs have younger siblings.
-Ok. I don't have time to dwell on it! I need to go there and I need my dear brother for that. If the teacher said anything about our absence, tell her that's family bussines and we'll get the papers as soon as possible!
-It'll be fine Honey- they tried to cheer me up, and promised me to have an upper hand in that matter, and to send me full material from our lectures. I thanked them for that and left them, to go and reach a rather big group of students on the oposite side of the hallway, without any issues knowing thats' where I'm gonna find my brother. As usuall, I was greeted by unhappy glares from the "Barbie's" from our class and wide smiles of my friends.
-What's up Little one!?- Tom laughed, being the first to spot me, extending fist for fistbump.
-Nothing, Big guy!- I said jokingly, did the fistbump and looked at my brother -Pick up your stuff Will. We need to go..- I said sternly.
-But where?! We have 3 more classes left...!?- he didn't understood at first, looking at me.
-Liam...- I just said, and saw the understanding flood his features.
-For fucks sake!- he cursed and did a facepalm.
-Yeah. Come on- I tried to rush him, as we really needed to go now. Before the teacher shows up and we'd need to explain everything.
-See y'a later guys!- Will and I bid goodbye's to our friends, and then we quickly went a floor down, to our lockers, being followed by curious gazes and whisperes behind our backs. But we ignored them, having a much bigger issue at hand...
-You know anything?- he asked me, while we're dressing up in expres time.
-Nothing besides that he had a fight with some classmate and that we need to see him in teachers office- I explained everything I knew, shutting my locker.
-The headmistress knows?- he asked again, doing the same.
-Luckly, she has some meeting, so she doesn't know anything. YET...- I said and we quickly made our way to the entrence to our high school. The luck was still on our side, as the janitor was nowhere to be seen, so we left the school undetected. Soon after that, we hopped in Wills' car and drove away, to twins' primaryschool...

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