#88 Sebastian - Saved live

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NARRATOR POV: Sebastian Vettel, the renowned Formula 1 driver, a four time World Champion, had always been a complex individual. His journey in the sport and evident skill on the track had brought him immense success, but it had also taken a toll on his mental well-being.  But there was one person who knew him beyond the confines of the racing circuit and his cheeky smiles —Eleanor "Ellie" Harlland, his psychologist. Their paths had first crossed during Sebastian's time at Ferrari, but their connection ran much deeper than their professional relationship. They had grown up in cities close to each other and had even attended high school together. Through the years, their bond had only grown stronger, resulting in them becoming the best of friends.
As Sebastian transitioned to Aston Martin, he found solace in the support and guidance provided by Ellie. She had been instrumental in helping him navigate the challenges that had impacted his mental health during his time at Ferrari, and then rebuilding himself as a person at Aston. Together, they worked tirelessly to rebuild his confidence and regain his passion for the sport he loved.
During their sessions, Sebastian and Ellie discussed a wide range of topics, from race strategies to personal matters. They had always maintained a level of professionalism, ensuring that their boundaries were respected. However, as the months went by and Sebastian's mental health slowly improved, a subtle shift began to take place.

Over the last 6 months Sebastian had developed a habit of kissing Ellie's forehead as a gesture of gratitude every time they said goodbye. It had started as a simple thank-you, but over time, it had become a way for him to express his affection for her without explicitly stating it. It was a silent acknowledgment of the feelings that had been growing between them.

One day, as Eleanor sat in her office, preparing for their latest session, her thoughts were consumed by the "elephant in the room." The undeniable connection between them, the feelings that simmered beneath the surface. She couldn't deny the growing affection she had for Sebastian, but she also couldn't ignore the complexities that came with it.
When Sebastian entered the room, his warm smile washed away her worries, if only for a moment. They engaged in their usual routine, discussing the intricacies of his emotional well-being and exploring strategies to improve his mental resilience. But this time, there was an underlying tension, an unspoken truth hanging in the air. That pull made the decision for her, deciding to address the "elephant in the room." She gently broached the subject, her voice filled with warmth and understanding.
-Seb, I think it's important for us to talk about something- she cautiously said, lookin at him.
-Sure El. What is it?- his wide smile and relaxed posture, along with the same old nickname he's benn calling her ever since their high school days, helped her gather needed courage.
-I think it's clear that there are unspoken feelings between us. A unadressed pull we never defined and have been dancing around...- hearing her careful words made Sebastian's heart race, his palms growing slightly clammy. He had anticipated this conversation, yet the reality of it felt both exhilarating and terrifying. He took a deep breath, meeting Ellie's gaze with a mix of vulnerability and hope, fixing his posture on the chair he's been ocuppying.
-You're right, Ellie. There's something more than just a professional connection between us- he admitted, his voice laced with sincerity -It goes even deeper than our friendship and I know you feel it too.. I've been struggling to find the right words to express it, but every time I kiss your forehead, it's my way of showing you how much you mean to me...
A smile played on Ellie's lips, her eyes shimmering with emotion.
-Seb, I've known you for so long, and our journey together has been filled with both challenges and triumphs. But amidst it all, I've realized that  you're even dearer to me than any professional relationship or close friendship can ever be.
Their hands found each other, their fingers interlocking, as they basked in the newfound vulnerability they had discovered. It was a revelation that brought both excitement and a sense of comfort for then, a mutual understanding that they were not alone in their emotions.
Sebastian squeezed Ellie's hand gently, his voice filled with tenderness.
-You've been my rock, not just as my psychologist but as someone who has known me since we were young. You get me better than anybody, and I can be forever greatful for you. I can't imagine my life without you, as I've loved you for as long as I can remember. But I've been afraid to act on it, afraid of the potential consequences-  he confessed, his voice filled with vulnerability. Ellie's eyes sparkled with joy as tears welled up. She nodded, her voice filled with certainty, but still shaking with emotion, as she said:
-We can navigate this together. We've supported each other through the darkest moments, and now it's time to embrace the light- she whispered, her voice filled with hope.
-So, you're saying...?
-Yes silly! I love you too!- she laughed and he folloed suit, pulling her to himself and hugging her tightly..
In that moment, the walls that had separated them for so long came crashing down. Sebastian and Ellie embraced their newfound love, knowing that their journey together would be filled with both triumphs and challenges. But they were ready to face it all, hand in hand, knowing that their shared history and unwavering support would guide them through every twist and turn.

From that day forward, their sessions took on a new dimension. The professional boundaries gradually transformed into a deepening love, with each interaction allowing them to delve into the complexities of their relationship. And as they continued to work together on Sebastian's mental well-being, their hearts grew closer, forging a bond that would carry them through the highs and lows of both their personal and professional lives.
Sebastian Vettel and Eleanor Harlland had discovered a love that surpassed their wildest dreams—a love born from years of friendship, shared experiences, and a deep understanding of one another. And together, they were ready to face the world, hand in hand, united by their love and the promise of a future filled with happiness and adventure.

Another sweet one with our bellowed German!
I realised I've never really used the "background story", my "why" I paired those two together, so here you go!
I hope you're happy, wherever in the world you are!
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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