#27 Carlos - Spanish GP of 2022

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I know that the finality of that weekend was a bit different, but I still wanted to make it happier.
Nevertheless, enjoy ;-)

NARRATOR POV.: It's really hot race weekend in Spain, where all the eyes are on home heroes, Carlos Sainz who drives for Ferarri and Fernando Alonso with Alpine. Days until now are hot and sunny, so everyone are in good mood. Today is Qualifying day, so whole paddock buzzes with positive energy. Everyone wants to see who's gonna come on top this time, to, hopefully, still lead the Gran Prix after the start tomorrow.
But apart from the race, fans could also "soak in" the celebrities part of the event, as many WaGs decided to attend the GP. People could easly spot Isabella Jimenez-Ruiz and Andrea Schlager, proud girlfriends of the home heroes, along with Mackenzie Bontempo, Brynn Warren, Katelynn Chalamet and Maddison Carter, followed by Sandra Dziwiszek, Carmen Montero-Mundt and Lily Muni-He. The girls were clad in many stylish outfits, so many photographers wanted to take pictures of them, no matter if their significant other was with them, or not.

Today, it's Quali day, so emotions are running high. Everyone are ancipating who is gonna come out on top and be the fastest of all and start from Pole for the race. A lot of people are praying that it would be one of the two Spaniards on the grid, especially that one in red has quite a big chance for that. Besides, it's about time it happened...
-Are you nervous?- Isabella asked Carlos, looking at her boyfriend with big concern. It's really important weekend for both of them, and she really prays for everything to turn out great. Especially now, when the car finally has any potential...
-Un poco, yeah (a bit)- Carlos replied and fixed his suit, ready to go and race.
-Sabes que estoy aquí si me necesitas, ¿sí? (You know that I'm here if you need me, yeah?)- she told him in return and laced both her hands through his, to give them a squezze.
-Lo se. Gracias mi Amor- he flashed her a smile and leaned in to kiss her softly.
-Let's go and get that Pole, shall we?
-We do- he chuckled, making her giggle. With that words, they left his drivers room and then hospitality, to cross the paddock and enter the garage via back door. There, Carlos greeted everyone as he usualy does and then him and the team prepared for Quali. They really needed to nail the strategy, to have the best possible start for tomorrow...
-Conduce seguro, ok? (Drive safe ok?)
-Voy, no te preocupes (I'll. Don't worry)- Carlos assured her with playful wink and then put on balaclava and helmet, while Isa went to the back of the garage to sit down with headphones on, and watch the hustle safely from there, along with both their families. All of them hoped that Carlos will get a good result here...
-Como es el? (How is he?)- Bianca asked her, when she joined them.
-Un poco nervioso, pero bien (A bit nervous, but fine)- at her words, everyone visibly relaxed.
-Esperemos lo mejor (Let's hope for the best)- Reyes said and they all agreed.
Soon after that, Quali started, making them wait in ancipation with fingers crossed.

Q1 and 2 went rather smoothly, especially for Ferrari and Red Bull, as those two teams were trying to beat each other for that front row, and for most, Pole Position. Tension was running extremly high when Q3 started, meaning now, started the REAL deal...
-Vamos Cariño! Vamos!- Isa whispered, not moving her gaze from large screens. Whole Sainz fam was on edge, anticipating those last 10 minutes.
It was really nerve wracking, as leader was constantly changing, as Ferrari was reacting on what Red Bull was doing and vice versa. It was really hard...

-SI CARLITO, SI!- all of them were shouting in joy, as it was final, Carlos got that Pole, right in front of Max on P2, Charles P3 and Checo P4, so two front rows were for Red Bull and Ferrari, making teammates start right behind / in front of each other.
Everyone at Ferrari liked that. Maybe not entirly, as they would prefer 1-2 for tomorrow, but they definitely will take that!

Soon after that, after drivers left their cars, took of their helmets and all not needed stuff and drank a bit of water, top 3 finishers had short interview, before going for weighting and photo. Carlos was grinning like Chashire Cat from "Alice in the Wonderland", when he accepted the congartulations from his teammate and Max.
And who was going to give him that trophy?
No other than.... HIS DAD!
-Buen trabajo, mi hijo!- Carlos Senior said, smiling from ear to ear, as he embraced him in tight hug.
-Gracias Papa- for real, that day couldn't possibly be ever better...
After short moment for themselves, the award was handled, Carlos signed it, and they took pictures.
Everyone were happy for Carlos, and fans loudly made that clear...
-Mi ganador!- Reyes said, giving his son a hug when he came back to the hospitality after the interviews.
-The race is tomorrow Mama!- Carlos remarked, making all of them laugh.
-I know. But you're my winner no matter what!- she insisted and gave him a chaste kiss on the cheek, making Carlos blush.
-Felicidades hermano! You finally did it!- Ana and Bianca hugged him next, making Carlos laugh.
-Let's cheer like that tomorrow after the podium, eh?
-We will, don't you worry!- Isa snickered and then embraced her boyfriend with light smile -I'm proud of you, you know?!
-Gracias- her comment made him blush again. Seeing that, Isabella just shoke her head in fond manner and then kissed him softly.
They wanted to celebrate, but Carlos was right, the race is tomorrow, and everything can happen....

Whole Barcelona was vibrating from energy, as its "home heroes" were starting both from top ten, Fernando on P7 and Carlos from Pole. Everyone wanted at least one of the Spaniards to place on podium, much better one of them win. But everything could happen...
-Si.. Un poco- Carlos replied with bowed head and slight pink tint on his cheeks.
-That's a good thing. That means you still want to race, still take great joy from it and it means that it's more than just a hobby for you- Isa assured him, her words making Carlos lift his head and look at her with little, almost shy, smile.
-You're right.
-Course I am! And you need to remember that no matter how this weekend ends, I'm still right by your side, loving you just the same.
-Gracias mi Amor. I needed it- Carlos finally relaxed and placed loving kiss on her forehead.
Shall we go to the garage?
-We need to- he agreed, and they made short walk from hospitality to the garage, hand in hand, to prepare for the race, which was about to start.

Before they knew it, all cars were on the starting straight and soon after that, formation lap began. Tension was high with nerves. Everyone wanted to know already who won... And Sainz clan wasn't any different, cheering on Carlos and hoping for him to win...

After 2 long hours of racing, everyone were going to finally know the winner...
-The chequed flag is out and...! Carlos Sainz is, for first time in his formula 1 career, a Grand Prix winner!- the spectatiors shouted, and along with them, screemed the crowd gathered in the grandstands.
-YES!! / SI MI HIJO!! / FINALLY! / SI MI AMOR!- was heard in the Ferarri garage, along with loud cheers and shouts. Whole team from Maranello would take a result like that with opened arms.. And the fact that Charles finished in P2 made the whole race even better...!
-He finally did it!
-It's crazy, right?- Isabella said, accepting the tight hug from Brynn.
-Definitely deserved one, thats for sure...
-As hell deserved!- she agreed, and both women laughed. Most of the fam had tears of joy in their eyes and wasn't even trying to hide it. Carlos finally won... And the fact that it's their home race made it tons times more special..
-My Grand Prix winner!- Isa said, when she managed to hug her boyfriend for breef moment at the Parc Ferme.
-This one is for you, mi Amor!
-No, it's wholy yours! Enjoy it!- she gently disagreed, with small but proud smile. He really won...

The ending kinda loose'y, but I still like it.
Besides, it looks like a dreamy weekend...
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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