#31 Checo - A bit odd habit

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MARISOL POV.: It's been almost 5 years since I took a job of PR coach / menager for a Formula One driver, Sergio "Checo" Perez. During that time, we got along pretty well, becoming close friends in the process. I might not be that close to him like Hugh, Adam, Xavi or Jo, but I still consider him one of my best friends.
Since then, we've been through Racing Point situation, and now are finishing 2nd year with Red Bull Racing... How the time flies....
Around pre-season testing in Bahrain, Checo started a new habit of sorts, kissing the top of my hand with every goodbye or sometimes even for "Good morning / Hi"... He even does that when we see each other for n-th time that day! Never forgets that, EVER!
Honestly, I don't really know what to do with it...?! At first I thought that it's one of his jokes / pranks / games, as he's a big joker, but aparently not?!
It's been going on for MONTHS now and I sort of got used to it... Even the team is not giving him weird looks anymore, like they used to do before, at the beginning! The reaction was the same when they saw first few times our "racing routine", or more like "superstition charm" which is when I pat his helmet 3 times and then kiss it before every driving session for him. We say that it "keeps him protected" from any huge accidents or any sorts of trouble.
The gesture itself is really sweet, but I don't know where he's going with that kind of treatment? It got me a huge amount of thinking, and still I haven't figured out why he does that...
-Hey girl! How are y'a?- Mackenzie Bontempo pulled me out of my thoughts, as she sat down beside me in the hospitality.
-Nothing. Just waiting for Checo to wrap up the debrief to go and do the last interviews for today..- I brushed it off, or at least tried to, smiling at her. Kenzie is very nice and sweet girl, and her and Max are really happy together. It's cute to watch them interact when the cameras are nowhere to be seen.
-I figured that one already. But what's on your mind? You seem to really dwell over something..?- she pushed, looking and sounding concerned. Over the course of those two years with the team, I got along with her really well, and now consider her one of my "paddock friends".
-It's really nothing. Just calculating what I still need to do before going to bed today- I tried to bribe her, not wanting to talk to her about Checo's behaviour in the middle of the hospitality. Friday was good for us, letting the team top both sesions, with Max fastest, Leclerc second and Checo 3rd. At least 1-2 here on Sunday would be a dream come true...
-I know you Mari, and that's certanly not it, but fine. I'm just saying that, if you want to talk, I'm here...
-I know and really appreciate it Kenz. Really- I assured her with small but sincere smile, which she returned.
-Here we have our beautiful ladies!- Max said, coming to us with Checo just seconds later.
-Hey Baby / Hi- they smiled to each other, and Max boved down to kiss Kenz sweetly. While my dear Checo kept up his little act and took my hand in his when he sat down and wordlessly kissed the top of it, taking his water bottle from me after that.
-You covered everything needed?- I looked at both of them, trying to hide small blush on my cheeks. My body has this responce to Sergio for a few months now, and no matter how much I try, I can't get rid of that warm feeling which embraces me when he's close, let alone touching me in some way.
-I think we did, yeah- Sergio agreed and sipped on his water, while Max added:
-Engineers want to test last few kinks during FP3, but we're pretty much set for Quali and the race itself.
-1-2 is the goal, hm?
-Would be nice, yeah- The dutch nodded, smiling lightly. Whole team knows how much it'd mean to Checo, to have another podium around here, let alone, win someday..
-Cool. We'll catch you later, we need to go- I switched to work mode, looking at Sergio.
-Yeah. Let's go- he agreed and stood up from his chair, just like I did. We bid goodbyes to the happy couple, and left the building to go to the media pen for last few interviews, as Checo has a few more commitments because of the home race. But for now, we don't mind... As long as I can see him happy and full of energy and optimism...

Around 2 hours later we made it to the hotel and ate dinner with Xavi, Brad, Max and Kenzie, chatting happily. As for now, everything was going according to plan...
After dinner we went to our floor, positively exausted.
-Movie at mine?
-I'm sorry Checo. I'm barerly standing at my feet..- I smiled at him sheepishly.
-It's fine. Sleep well. I need you at the top of your performance tomorrow..
-I should be saying that to you.
-I know. Buenas noches mi Sol..- he smiled at me, once again took my hand in his and placed almost loving kiss on top of it, before letting go and stepping back two steps, to stand in front of his door.
-Buenas noches Checo- I agreed and locked myself in my room.
-Holly shit!- I mumbled, realising that he said "mi Sol" which can be easly translated to "My sun / Sunshine"! He never did that before?!
-What's gotten into him now?- I wondered, going through my night-routine, before going to bed. As expected, I fell asleep thinking about one specific Mexican driver with black hair and gorgeous brown eyes....

From the morning I was almost exploding with hopes and good energy, matching Sergio's attitude. Even Max snickered at us, saying that we're acting as if Christmas came ealier than expected, but we ignored him. He was the same when we visited Zandvoort anyway...
The day was changing rapidly, and before we knew it, FP3 was long over and it was time for Quali...
-Ready to go?- I asked Checo, closing the door behind myself, watching as he finished his streaches.
-I think so, yeah...- he agreed and stood up.
-Remember, no matter what happens out there, you have the skill and power within the car to have front row here. And if not, that's fine too, cause we both know well enough that you can be dead last and still win...!- I assured him with soft smile.
-Gracias Sol. I don't know what I'd do without you here..?!
-You and Xavi would manage... I think!- I snickered, making him laugh.
-You're the best Sol. Let's have that front row for fans- he said, holding my hand. At this rate, I already expected him to lift it and place a kiss there, but Checo surprised me once again and instead, pulled me to himself, to let our lips collide.
At first I was stunned, but then returned the kiss, still not really understanding why he did that.
-Por que ahora, Checo?
-No lo se. (Felt like the right time)- he explained, joining our foreheads together -Te quiero..
-Te quiero- I replied, feeling like on cloud 9.
-Shall we go to the garage?
-We really should. Quali starts in 20 minutes- I shot quick glance at my watch and then steped back, to let him go. But before I did that, Checo stopped me and kissed my lips once again.
-I mean it Sol... You mean a lot to me..
-I know. And you mean a lot for me too. But there is no time for that now. You need to go out there and smash te Quali...!
-Let's go- he agreed and we finally left his driver's room, with big smiles on our faces.
We made it to the garage in no time, Checo got ready with Adam and soon enough, he was out there, smashing the time after time, while I sat back with Xavi, Kenzie and Brad and watched him closely. Pole or front row here, at our home soil would mean world to us, so I hoped he'll do well.

Looks like dreams come true, because Checo locked the front row with Max alongside him and the rest of the drivers behind, scoring his 2nd Pole Position. I was elated by that, just like the team. And knowing that he loves me back made it even better. To make this weekend even more special, which I don't know is even possible, Checo would have to lead whole race and win. But we'll get to that tomorrow. Right now, celebrations are in order, just like the conversation about our feelings. It's not a movie or teenage love, we are adults and need to behave like ones...?!
But before that, I just want to congratulate him, give him a hug and tell him how proud I am... So far, it looks like perfect weekend for us...?! As long as we're together, no matter what the world will throw at us, we'll be fine...

Sweet one which Checo!
And I allowed myself to write more happy Mexican GP weekend for those two...
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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