New day in a new school

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~Beep ~ beep ~ beep~
Time: 6.30 am

Ugh. Today was the first day of school after the summer break. You could definitely use some more holidays for your liking.

But everything can't be as you like it to be, right?
You put on some comfy clothes and went down to eat breakfast.

You didn't do one of those very big ones cause breakfast isn't really your thing. You took out two slices of bread and put some butter, ham and cheese on each of them.

As you finished your breakfast your mom entered the kitchen, from her hair being wet, she probably came out from the shower.

"Good morning hun." She said sweetly as she went over to the fridge to get something to eat.
"Good morning mum." You said, then you put your dishes in the dishwasher.
"You ready for school today?"
"Not really"

She looked at you more seriously and said:
"It's for the best, okay?"
"But I won't have any friends, what if they are all rich spoiled kids?" The fact is that your mom had made so you could go to one of the best schools in the city, Drea. C. High school.

One of the reasons you could go there was becasue your mom had a few contacts from places, who later contacted the principal and now you will be attending there.

Mostly rich kids go there and there's a lot of rumours about the kids there, let me give you a reminder: not good ones.

"Trust me on this one. If you don't like it after a few weeks I'll get you switched, but hun please try for me. You could enter the school football team! You know you love football" She was really encouraging, which made you glad, not everyone has this nice of a mom.

"They have a school football team? I'm definitely entering. If they complain about me being to small, I will show them my skills, but not before kicking their asses." You rambled and your mom chuckled
"That's my child alright. Now you gotta hurry before u get late on your first day."
"Alright, love you mom, see ya after school."
"Love you too hunny, now off you go."

You ran to your room to pick up your bag, checking it so everything you need is in it. Yup, as you switched to the school uniform real quick you got an idea.

Why not actually try making friends in this school? You hadn't had any in your last but you could change that. You put on some accessories quick and ran out.
"Bye mom!"
You closed the door after you really quick and went out to take your bike, yeah bike. Not every teenager is rich and spoiled to get to borrow their parents car.

As you arrived, you felt some stares at you, it didn't bother you. You were kinda used to that in your last school. You walked around in school and saw a clock on the wall 7:21 am. You still had 4 minutes before class, which wasn't enough for you to find the principal's office to get your locker key. As you walked you bumped into someone.
"Hey watch-" a male voice, you didn't look up yet.
"Yeah, yeah." You interrupted him, otherwise he would be a pain.
"OoO, watch that attitude around me, I'm quite popular. But I will make an exception becasue I've never seen you here, from what I assume you're new" The male said, you looked up straight into his green eyes, he also had blond hair with a really straight jawline. God that's- No.

"As if I will make one for you, jerk." You didn't like this guy a bit yet.
"Tsk." He broke the eye contact.
"Oh, can't look straight into my eyes now, can you?"
"Oh you-" He tried but then someone interrupted him.
"Dream don't you dare swear infront of the new student!" A boy with rectangle glasses said.
"Dream picking on the new student, thats lame and weak" another boy said, strangely he had a white bandage around his head. Weirdo.
"Shut up Sapnap."
As you just stood there listening to 'Dream' and 'Sapnap' bicker the guy with the rectangle glasses approached you.
"Hi! I'm Badboyhalo! Most people call me bad or bbh. Also sorry for Dream's behaviour, he can be quite rude."
"Hi Bad! I'm Y/n and you shouldn't be the one apologising for HIS behaviour." You looked over at Dream."Also would you mind showing me to the principal's office I'm kinda lost."

"Of course Y/n!"

You two just left Dream and Sapnap to bicker by themselves. On the way to the principals office you got to learn a little about Bad.
You learned that he absolutely didn't like swearing as well as he loves to watch his friends playing football and his bestfriend is called Skeppy.

You told him a few things about yourself too. Then you told him about your love for football and his eyes lit up.
"Y/n! You could join the schools football team! They need more members and you'd be perfect, plus you'd get Dream quite ticked off as you two doesn't seem to be on the best of terms."
"Yeah I was planning on joining." You told him honestly.
"Here is the principals office, I will leave now because I got to go to class see you later y/n!"
And he left.

You knocked on the door and you heard a 'come in!' So you opened the door and stepped in.

"Hi! You must be the new student..y/n was it?" The principal said as they read a paper to find your name.
"Yup that's me." You said a bit awkwardly.
"Alright here is your locker key, though I recommend going to class imidietly so you won't be late." She said sweetly. "Do you know what class you have?"
"Nope, could I perhaps have a schedule?" You asked politely
"Of course." She gave you a schedule and stood up from behind her desk. "Let me show you to your home classroom." She said and you followed her.

You arrived outside the classroom. The principal opened the door and stepped inside, you right after her.
"Okay class listen up." The class who was loud, quieted down when they realised the principal was stood in the front.
"Hello students, I would just like to announce you've got a new classmate this year." Some people cheered at the principals announcement but when you looked around the classroom you saw Dream. Fuck, you guys were in the same class? This year was gonna be a hell of a rollercoaster.

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